What does the name Hallam mean? What is the meaning of the name Hallam
Meaning of Hallam: Name Hallam in the English origin, means Dweller in the remote Valley;. Name Hallam is of English origin and is a Boy name.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Hallam: Dweller in the remote Valley;
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Famous people with name Hallam (Namesakes)
- Susan Hallam
Susan Hallam MBE (born 9 April 1949) is an English academic, researcher and author.
- Richard Allan, Baron Allan of Hallam
Richard Beecroft Allan, Baron Allan of Hallam (born 11 February 1966) is a British politician and life peer.
- Tracey Hallam
Tracey Jayne Hallam (born 24 March 1975) is a former English badminton player.
- Jack Hallam (politician)
Jack Rowland Hallam (born 10 September 1942), a former Australian politician, was a member of the New South Wales Legislative Council from 1973 to 1991 representing the ALP. Hallam held several ministerial posts in the state governments led by Neville Wran and Barrie Unsworth.
- Steve Hallam
Steve Hallam (born 12 July 1952) is the manager of vehicle support and team engineering for Toyota Racing Development.
- Graeme Hallam
Graeme Hallam (born 6 January 1973) is a former English cricketer.
- Hallam Amos
Hallam Amos (born 24 September 1994) is a Wales international rugby union player who plays for the Cardiff Blues having previously played for Newport RFC and Dragons.
- Ian Hallam
Ian Hallam (born 24 November 1948), is a retired British international cyclist.
- Hallam Hope
Hallam Robert Hope (born 17 March 1994) is a professional footballer who plays as a forward or winger for League Two club Swindon Town.
- Jordan Hallam
Jordan Paul Hallam (born 6 October 1998) is an English professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Scunthorpe United.
- Peter James Hallam
Peter James Hallam (born 7 May 1995) is an English figure skater.
- Kaye Hallam
Kaye Hallam (born 24 March 1957) is an Australian former professional tennis player.
Hallam grew up in the New South Wales town of Wagga Wagga and competed on the professional tour in the 1970s.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Hallam Numerology: Name Hallam has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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