What does the name Haj mean? What is the meaning of the name Haj
Meaning of Haj: Name Haj in the Arabic origin, means Pilgrim to Mecca;. Name Haj is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name.
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Famous people with name Haj (Namesakes)
- Amir Haj Massaoud
Amir Hadj Massaoued (Arabic:أمير الحاج مسعود) (born 8 February 1981) is a Tunisian football player.
- Sami al-Hajj
Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj (Arabic: سامي محي الدين محمد الحاج), aka Sami Al-Haj (Khartoum, Sudan, February 15, 1969) is a Sudanese journalist for the Al Jazeera network.
- Fikri El Haj Ali
- Tamer Haj Mohamad
Tamer Haj Mohamad (Arabic: تامر حاج محمد) (born April 3, 1990 in Homs) is a Syrian football player who is currently playing for Al-Salmiya in Kuwait.
- Majed al-Haj
Majed Al Haj (Arabic: ماجد الحاج, born 6 April 1985 in Damascus, Syria) is a Syrian footballer.
- Ahmad Haj Mohamad
Ahmad Khairuddin Haj Mohamad (Arabic: احمد خير الدين حاج محمد; born 31 January 1987), commonly known as Ahmad Haj Mohamad, is a Syrian footballer who plays for Hutteen SC in Syrian Premier League.
- Khaled Haj Othman
Khaled Haj Othman (Arabic: خالد حاج عثمان) (born 1 May 1987 in Aleppo, Syria) is a Syrian football goalkeeper.
- Khaled Haj Youssef
Khaled Haj Youssef (born 12 January 1989) is a Tunisian handball player for Al Sadd and the Tunisian national team.
He participated at the 2016 Summer Olympics.
- Hazem Haj Hassen
Hazem Haj Hassen (born 15 February 1996) is a Tunisian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Étoile du Sahel.
- Mehdi Haj Mohamad
Mehdi Haj Mohamad (Persian: مهدی حاج محمد) is a former Iranian footballer.
- Esmaeil Haj Rahimipour
Esmaeil Haj Rahimipour (born 7 September 1951) is an Iranian former footballer who played as a midfielder for Persepolis and the Iran national football team.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Haj Numerology: Name Haj has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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