What does the name Hackett mean? What is the meaning of the name Hackett
Meaning of Hackett: Name Hackett in the Scottish, German origin, means Scottish and Norman Persons name. Name Hackett is of Scottish, German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Hackett are usually Hindu by religion.
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Famous people with name Hackett (Namesakes)
- Steve Hackett
Stephen Richard Hackett (born 12 February 1950) is an English musician, songwriter, singer, and producer who gained prominence as the lead guitarist of the progressive rock band Genesis from 1971 to 1977.
- Grant Hackett
Grant George Hackett OAM (born 9 May 1980) is an Australian swimmer, most famous for winning the men's 1500 metres freestyle race at both the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney and the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens.
- Martha Hackett
Martha Hackett (born February 21, 1961) is an American actress.
- Mims Hackett
Mims Hackett (born September 28, 1941) is an American Democratic Party politician, who served in the New Jersey General Assembly from 2002 to 2007, where he represented the 27th Legislative District, which covers the western portion of Essex County.
- Paul Hackett (American football)
Paul Roger Hackett (born July 5, 1947) is a former American football coach.
- D. J. Hackett
DeAndre James "D. J." Hackett (born July 3, 1981) is a former American football wide receiver.
- Leah Hackett
Leah Hackett (born 15 August 1985), is an English actress, most notable for her role as Tina Reilly (née McQueen) in Hollyoaks.
- Sandy Hackett
Sandy Zade Hackett (born June 18, 1956) is an American actor, comedian and producer.
- Rudy Hackett
Rudolph "Rudy" Hackett (born May 10, 1953) is a retired American professional basketball player.
- Ryan Hackett
Ryan Orion Hackett (born July 30, 1982) is an American stock car racing driver.
- Daniel Hackett
Daniel Lorenzo Hackett (born December 19, 1987) is an Italian-American professional basketball player for CSKA Moscow of the VTB United League and the EuroLeague.
- Nathaniel Hackett
Nathaniel Hackett (born December 19, 1979) is an American football coach who is the offensive coordinator of the Green Bay Packers of the National Football League (NFL).
- Ken Hackett
Kenneth Francis Hackett (born January 27, 1947) was the United States Ambassador to the Holy See from August 2013 until January 2017.
- Tom Hackett
Tom Hackett (born 10 May 1992) is an Australian professional American football player who is currently a free agent.
- Laura Hackett Park
Laura Hackett Park (born April 2, 1985, as Laura Melinda Hackett), is an American contemporary worship musician.
- Dave Hackett
Dave “Hackman” Hackett (born David Jude Hackett on November 12, 1960) is a professional skateboarder from Malibu, California.
- James Hackett (businessman)
James Patrick "Jim" Hackett (born April 22, 1955) is an American businessman.
- Isa Dick Hackett
Isa Dick Hackett (born; Isolde Freya Dick; March 15, 1967) is an American producer and writer for Amazon and helped produce The Man in the High Castle, Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams, and The Adjustment Bureau, all of which are based on works by her father, Philip K. Dick.
- Jake Hackett
Jake Hackett (born 10 January 2000) is an English professional footballer who plays for Whitby Town on loan from Sunderland, as a midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Hackett Numerology: Name Hackett has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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