What does the name Ha mean? What is the meaning of the name Ha
Meaning of Ha: Name Ha in the Vietnamese origin, means Kiss Of Life,Sunshine and warmth. Name Ha is of Vietnamese origin and is a Girl name.
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Famous people with name Ha (Namesakes)
- Ha Jin
Xuefei Jin (simplified Chinese: 金雪飞; traditional Chinese: 金雪飛; pinyin: Jīn Xuěfēi; born February 21, 1956) is a Chinese-American poet and novelist using the pen name Ha Jin (哈金).
- Ha Ji-won
Jeon Hae-rim (Korean: 전해림; born 28 June 1978), better known by her stage name Ha Ji-won (Korean: 하지원) is a South Korean actress.
- Shin Ha-kyun
Shin Ha-kyun (born May 30, 1974) is a South Korean actor.
- Lee Ha-na
Lee Ha-na (born September 23, 1982) is a South Korean actress.
- Kim Ha-neul
Kim Ha-neul (Korean: 김하늘; born February 21, 1978) is a South Korean actress.
- Ha Seok-jin
Ha Seok-jin (born February 10, 1982) is a South Korean actor.
- Yoo Ha
Yoo Ha (Korean: 유하; or spelled Yu Ha; born February 9, 1963) is a South Korean film director, screenwriter and a contemporary poet.
- Pat Ha
Pat Ha Man Jing (Chinese: 夏文汐; pinyin: xià wén xī) (born 21 November 1965) is a Hong Kong actress.
- Kesha
Kesha Rose Sebert (; born March 1, 1987), known mononymously as Kesha (formerly stylized Ke$ha), is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, composer and actress.
- Ha Jung-woo
Ha Jung-woo (Korean: 하정우; born Kim Sung-hoon on March 11, 1978) is a South Korean actor, film director, screenwriter and film producer.
- Park Ha-sun
Park Ha-sun (born October 22, 1987) is a South Korean actress.
- Jo Sung-ha
Jo Sung-ha (Korean: 조성하; born August 8, 1966) is a South Korean actor.
- Song Ha-yoon
Song Ha-yoon (born Kim Mi-sun on December 2, 1986) is a South Korean actress.
- Christine Ha
Christine Huyen Tran Hà (Vietnamese: Hà Huyền Trân; born May 9, 1979) is an American chef, writer and TV host.
- Ha Ha Clinton-Dix
Ha’Sean "Ha Ha" Treshon Clinton-Dix (born December 21, 1992) is an American football safety for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League (NFL).
- Kang Ha-neul
Kang Ha-neul (born Kim Ha-neul on February 21, 1990) is a South Korean actor.
- Seo Ha-joon
Seo Ha-joon (born September 19, 1989) is a South Korean actor.
- Oh Ha-young
Oh Ha-young (born July 19, 1996), better known by the mononym Hayoung, is a South Korean singer, songwriter and actress.
- Park Ha-na
Park Ha-na (born July 25, 1985) is a South Korean actress.
- Wi Ha-joon
Wi Ha-joon (born August 5, 1991) is a South Korean actor and model.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Ha Numerology: Name Ha has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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