What does the name Gun mean? What is the meaning of the name Gun
Meaning of Gun: Name Gun in the Nordic origin, means battle or fight. Name Gun is of Nordic origin and is a Girl name.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gun (Namesakes)
- Tracii Guns
Tracy Richard Irving Ulrich (born January 20, 1966), known professionally as Tracii Guns, is an American musician best known as the founder of glam metal group L.A. Guns, as well as the supergroups Brides of Destruction and Contraband.
- Jang Dong-gun
Jang Dong-gun (born March 7, 1972) is a South Korean actor.
- Lee Dong-gun
Lee Dong-gun (Korean: 이동건, Korean pronunciation: [i.doŋgʌn]; born 26 July 1980) is a South Korean actor and singer.
- Tim Gunn
Timothy MacKenzie Gunn (born July 29, 1953) is an American fashion consultant, television personality, actor, voice actor, and author.
- Kim Gun-mo
Kim Gun-mo (Korean: 김건모; born January 13, 1968) is a South Korean singer-songwriter, who is considered the country's most successful musical artist of the 1990s.
- Chuen-Gun Lee
Chuen-Gun "C.G." Lee (이천군) (born October 26, 1980 in Seoul, South Korea) is a South Korean ice dancer who competed internationally for the United States.
- Richard Gun
Richard Townsend "Richie/Ritchie" Gun (born 27 May 1936) is a retired politician and doctor.
- No Jong-gun
No Jong-gun (born February 24, 1981) is a South Korean football player who currently plays for Yangju Citizen as the alternative of the military service.
- Alpa Gun
Alper Sendilmen (born 4 July 1980) is a German rapper with Turkish origin, better known as Alpa Gun.
- Machine Gun Kelly (musician)
Colson Baker (born Richard Colson Baker; April 22, 1990), known professionally as Machine Gun Kelly (abbreviated as MGK), is an American rapper, singer, songwriter and actor from Cleveland, Ohio.
- Park Gun-hyung
Park Gun-hyung (Korean: 박건형; born November 1, 1977) is a South Korean actor.
- Kim Yong-gun
Kim Yong-gun (Korean: 김용건; born May 8, 1946) is a South Korean actor.
- Yoo Gun
Jo Jeong-ik (born 21 January 1983), better known by his stage name Yoo Gun, is an American-born South Korean actor.
- Gun (rapper)
Song Gun-hee (Hangul: 송건희, born June 26, 1994), better known by his stage name #Gun (Hangul: 샵건), is a South Korean rapper.
- Jung Gun-joo
Jung Gun-Joo (born May 26, 1995) is a South Korean actor.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Gun Numerology: Name Gun has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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