What does the name Guillaume mean? What is the meaning of the name Guillaume?
Meaning of Guillaume: Name Guillaume in the French origin, means A fearless defender who can do anything to protect his beloved.. Name Guillaume is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Guillaume are usually Hindu by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Guillaume (Namesakes)
- Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg (given names: Guillaume Jean Joseph Marie; born 11 November 1981), has been heir apparent to the crown of Luxembourg since his father's accession in 2000.
- Guillaume Canet
Guillaume Canet (French pronunciation: [ɡijom kane]; born 10 April 1973) is a French actor, film director and screenwriter, and show jumper.
- Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg
Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg (Guillaume Marie Louis Christian; born 1 May 1963) is the third son and youngest child of Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess Josephine-Charlotte of Luxembourg.
- Guillaume Warmuz
Guillaume Warmuz (born 22 May 1970) is a French football coach and former footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Guillaume Gallienne
Guillaume Gallienne (born 8 February 1972) is a French actor, screenwriter and film director.
- Guillaume de Tonquédec
Guillaume de Tonquédec (born 18 October 1966) is a French actor.
- Guillaume Moullec
Guillaume Moullec (born March 7, 1980 in Brest) is a French former professional footballer who played as a right midfielder or right back.
- Guillaume Hoarau
Guillaume Hoarau (born 5 March 1984) is a French professional footballer who plays for Young Boys in the Swiss Super League and formerly for the France national football team as a striker.
- Guillaume Gillet
Guillaume Gillet (born 9 March 1984) is a Belgian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder or defender for French side RC Lens and the Belgium national team.
- Stéphane Guillaume
Stéphane Guillaume (born February 9, 1984) is a Haitian former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Guillaume Plessis
Guillaume Plessis (born 16 January 1985 in Saint-Denis, Réunion) is a footballer currently playing for the Greek side Lefkadia.
- Didier Guillaume
Didier Guillaume (born 11 May 1959) is a French politician and since October 2018 French Minister of Agriculture in the government of Prime Minister Édouard Philippe since 2018.
- Guillaume Garot
Guillaume Garot (born 29 May 1966) is a member of the National Assembly of France.
- Guillaume François
Guillaume François (born 3 June 1990) is a Belgian professional footballer.
- Guillaume Cizeron
Guillaume Cizeron (born 12 November 1994) is a French ice dancer.
- Guillaume Grand
Guillaume Grand, born in 1983 in Bergerac, is a French singer and composer.
- Guillaume Gouix
Guillaume Gouix (French: [ɡwiks]; born 30 November 1983) is a French actor, director and screenwriter.
- Guillaume Thévenot
Guillaume Thevenot (born September 13, 1993 in La Garenne-Colombes) is a French cyclist riding for the CC Nogent-sur-Oise amateur team in France.
- Guillaume Graechen
Guillaume Graechen (born 1977) is a French retired footballer who played as a midfield.
- Guillaume Faury
Guillaume Faury (born February 22, 1968) is a French engineer and executive currently working as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for aircraft manufacturer Airbus.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Guillaume Numerology: Name Guillaume has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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