What does the name Grzegorz mean? What is the meaning of the name Grzegorz
Meaning of Grzegorz: Name Grzegorz in the Welsh origin, means Confident, unique state of mind with respect to their scholarly abilities. Obviously cheerful, informative and perky, they don't care to discuss themselves and enviously protect their mystery garden.. Name Grzegorz is of Welsh origin and is a Boy name. People with name Grzegorz are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Grzegorz: Confident, unique state of mind with respect to their scholarly abilities. Obviously cheerful, informative and perky, they don't care to discuss themselves and enviously protect their mystery garden.
Popular names also beginning with 'g'
The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Grzegorz (Namesakes)
- Grzegorz Turnau
Grzegorz Jerzy Turnau is a Polish composer, pianist, poet and singer.
- Grzegorz Fonfara
Grzegorz Fonfara (born June 8, 1983 in Katowice) is a Polish footballer (defender) who currently plays for Szczakowianka Jaworzno.
- Grzegorz Lewandowski
Grzegorz Lewandowski (born September 1, 1969 in Szczecinek) is a retired Polish footballer and current coach.
- Grzegorz Miętus
Grzegorz Miętus ([ˈɡʐɛɡɔʐ ˈmjɛntus]; born February 20, 1993 in Zakopane) is a Polish ski jumper.
- Grzegorz Krychowiak
Grzegorz Krychowiak ([ˈɡʐɛɡɔʐ krɨˈxɔvjak] (listen); born 29 January 1990) is a Polish professional footballer who plays for Lokomotiv Moscow and the Poland national team as a defensive midfielder.
- Grzegorz Pater
Grzegorz Pater (born 5 March 1974 in Kraków) is a Polish professional footballer a former player of Wisła Kraków, Górnik Polkowice and Podbeskidzie Bielsko-Biała.
- Grzegorz Lato
Grzegorz Bolesław Lato (born 8 April 1950) is a Polish former professional footballer and manager who played as a winger.
- Grzegorz Rasiak
Grzegorz Rasiak (Polish pronunciation: [ˈɡʐɛɡɔʐ ˈraɕak]), born 12 January 1979 is a Polish former professional footballer.
- Grzegorz Bonin
Grzegorz Bonin (born 2 December 1983 in Gniew) is a Polish footballer (right winger).
- Grzegorz Proksa
Grzegorz Proksa (born 23 November 1984) is a Polish former professional boxer who competed from 2005 to 2014.
- Grzegorz Lech
Grzegorz Lech (born 10 January 1983 in Kętrzyn) is a Polish professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Stomil Olsztyn.
- Grzegorz Skwara
Grzegorz Skwara (born August 2, 1975 in Blachownia) is a Polish footballer who currently plays for Olimpia Elbląg.
- Grzegorz Skawiński
Grzegorz Bogdan Skawiński (July 6, 1954, Mława) is a Polish pop-rock musician, guitarist, singer, composer and record producer.
- Grzegorz Szamotulski
Grzegorz Szamotulski (Polish pronunciation: [ˈɡʐɛɡɔʂ ʂamɔˈtulski]; born 13 May 1976 in Gdańsk) is a former Polish footballer.
- Grzegorz Żmija
Grzegorz Żmija (born November 27, 1971) is a football goalkeeper from Poland playing currently for Polonia Bytom.
- Grzegorz Michalski
Grzegorz Marek Michalski is an economist, researcher at the School of Management, Computer Science and Finance at Wrocław University of Economics.
- Grzegorz Arłukowicz
Grzegorz Arłukowicz (born 11 February 1992) is a Polish footballer who plays as a midfielder for MKS Polonia Warsaw in the III liga.
- Grzegorz Hedwig
Grzegorz Hedwig (born 17 July 1988) is a Polish slalom canoeist who has competed at the international level since 2003.
- Grzegorz Król
Grzegorz Król (born 29 April 1978) is a former Polish footballer who played as a Forward.
- Grzegorz Hyży
Grzegorz Hyży (born 27 May 1987, Gniezno) is a Polish singer-songwriter, who rose to fame after finishing as the runner-up in the third series of X Factor in 2013.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Grzegorz Numerology: Name Grzegorz has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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