What does the name Gough mean? What is the meaning of the name Gough
Meaning of Gough: Name Gough in the Irish origin, means A girl with red hair. red hair is a symbol of beauty. A beauty which is out of the world.. Name Gough is of Irish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Gough are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gough (Namesakes)
- Darren Gough
Darren Gough (born 18 September 1970) is a retired English cricketer and former captain of Yorkshire County Cricket Club.
- Alfred Gough
Alfred Gough III (born August 22, 1967) is an American screenwriter and producer.
- Richard Gough
Charles Richard Gough (born 5 April 1962) is a Scottish former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Michael Gough (voice actor)
Michael J. Gough (born December 3, 1956 in San Jose, California) is an American voice actor, singer and musician known for providing the voices of Deckard Cain in the Diablo series of video games, Gopher in the Winnie the Pooh franchise and Shrek in the Shrek video game franchise.
- Stephen Gough
Stephen Peter Gough (born 13 May 1959), popularly known as the "Naked Rambler", is a British pro-nudity activist and former Royal Marine.
- Michael Gough (cricketer)
Michael Andrew Gough (born 18 December 1979) is an English cricket umpire and former cricketer.
- Ian Gough
Ian Gough (born 10 November 1976) is a former Wales international rugby union footballer.
- Alan Gough
Alan Gough (born 10 March 1968, in Watford) is an English football player and manager.
- Bobby Gough
Robert George Gough (born 20 July 1949) is an English former footballer who played as a forward.
- Ivan Gough
Ivan Gough (born (1969-05-19)19 May 1969) is an Australian house music producer and DJ.
His first release, a remix of Pendulums "I Need You" became an instant club anthem, being played by the likes of Paul Oakenfold and Pete Tong in the United Kingdom.
- John Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe
John Austen Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe (born 14 July 1947) is a property developer and former Chairman of the Watermark Group, son of Sir Richard Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe, 2nd Baronet, and Nancy Moireach Malcolmson.
- Denise Gough
Denise Gough (born 28 February 1980) is an Irish actress.
- Conor Gough
Conor John Joseph Gough (born 9 August 1993 in Ilford, Essex) is an English footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Coggeshall Town.
- Judith Gough
- Chad Gough
Chad Gough (born 17 October 1991) is an American professional rugby union player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Gough Numerology: Name Gough has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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