What does the name Gordana mean? What is the meaning of the name Gordana
Meaning of Gordana: Name Gordana in the Scottish origin, means They love to lead,organize and supervise.They are powerful and wealthy. Name Gordana is of Scottish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Gordana are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gordana (Namesakes)
- Gordana Turuk
Gordana Turuk (5 March 1974, Mannheim, Germany) is an artist whose works include glass images, works of art, furniture and accessories made from glass.
- Gordana Matković
Gordana Matković (Serbian Cyrillic: Гордана Матковић; born 15 March 1960) is a Serbian politician.
- Gordana Kuić
Gordana Kuić (Serbian Cyrillic: Гордана Куић, pronounced [ɡǒrdana kǔːit͜ɕ]; born 29 August 1942) is a Serbian novelist.
- Gordana Grubin
Gordana Grubin (Serbian Cyrillic:Гордана Грубин, born August 20, 1972 in Zrenjanin, SFR Yugoslavia) is a former Serbian professional basketball player who played in Europe and the United States.
- Roei Gordana
Roei Gordana (Hebrew: רועי גורדנה; born 6 July 1990) is an Israeli footballer who plays for F.C. Ashdod.
- Gordana Suša
Gordana Suša (born 2 February 1946, in Belgrade) is a Serbian journalist.
- Gordana Komadina
Gordana Komadina (born 20 April 1976 Šibenik, SFR Yugoslavia) is a former Croatian female basketball player.
- Gordana Jankuloska
Gordana Jankuloska (Macedonian: Гордана Јанкулоска; born 12 October 1975) was the 10th Interior Minister of the Government of Macedonia.
- Gordana Gadžić
Gordana Gadžić (born 21 August 1955) is a Serbian actress.
- Gordana Jurčan
Gordana Jurcan (born (1971-05-01)1 May 1971) is a retired Croatian female volleyball player.
- Gordana Đilas
Gordana Đilas (Serbian Cyrillic: Гордана Ђилас; born 23 December 1958) is a Serbian poet, librarian and bibliographer.
- Gordana Baric
Gordana Baric is a former international lawn bowls competitor for Australia.
- Gordana Boban
Gordana Boban (born 13 September 1967) is a Bosnian actress.
- Gordana Marković
Gordana Marković (Serbian: Гордана Марковић; born 4 January 1951), née Jovanović (Serbian: Јовановић), also Gordana Jovanović-Marković, is a Serbian and Yugoslav chess player who holds the title of Woman International Master (WIM, 1986).
- Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova
Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova (Macedonian: Гордана Силјановска-Давкова, 11 May 1955 in Ohrid) is a Macedonian university professor and lawyer.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Gordana Numerology: Name Gordana has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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