What does the name Gor mean? What is the meaning of the name Gor
Meaning of Gor: Name Gor in the Indian origin, means Wild Ass; Grave; Desert. Name Gor is of Indian origin and is a Boy name.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gor (Namesakes)
- Mikhail Gorevoy
Mikhail Vitalievich Gorevoy (Russian: Михаил Витальевич Горевой; born 19 May 1965) is a Soviet and Russian actor, occasionally credited as Michael Gor in English language productions, best known internationally for playing Vladimir Popov in the James Bond film Die Another Day.
- Pooja Gor
Pooja Gor (also spelled Pooja Gaur, born 1 June 1991) is an Indian television actress.
- Avika Gor
Avika Gor (born 30 June 1997) is an Indian television actress known for playing role in Balika Vadhu as Anandi and in Sasural Simar ka as Roli.
- Gor Minasyan
Gor Minasyan (Armenian: Գոռ Մինասյան; born 25 October 1994) is an Armenian weightlifter, and Olympic silver medalist (2016) competing in the super-heavyweight category (105 kg + until 2018 and 109 kg + starting in 2018 after the International Weightlifting Federation reorganized the categories).
- Gor Sujyan
Gor Sujyan (Armenian: Գոռ Սուջյան, born 25 July 1987) is an Armenian rock singer and lead singer of the Armenian rock band Dorians.
- Gor Manukyan
Gor Manukyan (born 27 September 1993) is an Armenian international footballer who plays for Alashkert, as a goalkeeper.
- Gor Hakobyan
Gor Hakobyan (Armenian: Գոռ Հակոբյան; born January 14, 1988), is an Armenian rapper, broadcaster and actor.
- Gor Malakyan
Gor Malakyan (Armenian: Գոռ Մալաքյան; born 12 June 1994) is an Armenian footballer who plays for Ararat-Armenia.
- Gor Agbaljan
Gor Agbaljan (born 25 April 1997) is an Armenian professional footballer who most recently played for Dutch club Go Ahead Eagles, as a midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 22
Baby Name Gor Numerology: Name Gor has a number value of 22 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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