What does the name Gold mean? What is the meaning of the name Gold
Meaning of Gold: Name Gold in the England origin, means Precious Metal, The one who is precious for the family and friends.. Name Gold is of England origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Gold are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gold (Namesakes)
- Meta Golding
Meta Golding (born November 2, 1971) is a Haitian-American actress.
- Judy Gold
Judy Gold (born November 15, 1962) is an American standup comedian, actress, television writer, and producer.
- Tracey Gold
Tracey Gold (born Tracey Claire Fisher; May 16, 1969) is an American actress and former child star best known for playing Carol Seaver on the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains.
- Marian Gold
- David Gold (businessman)
David Gold (born 9 September 1936 in Stepney, East London) is an English businessman.
- Julie Gold
Julie Gold (born February 3, 1956) is an American singer-songwriter.
- Eli Gold
Eli Gold (born December 15, 1953) is an American sportscaster.
- Elon Gold
Elon Gold (born September 14, 1970) is an American comedian, television actor, writer and producer.
- Ian Gold
Ian Maurice Gold (born August 23, 1978) is a former American football player.
- Murray Gold
Murray Jonathan Gold (born 28 February 1969) is an English composer for stage, film, and television and a dramatist for both theatre and radio.
- Jamie Gold
Jamie M. Gold (born August 25, 1969) is an American television producer, a talent agent, and poker player, younger brother of Doug Gold, and who is based in Malibu, California.
- Jacqueline Gold
Jacqueline Summers Gold (born 16 July 1960) is a British businesswoman who is Chief Executive of Gold Group International, Ann Summers and Knickerbox.
- Tanya Gold
Tanya Gold (born 31 December 1973 in Merton, Surrey) is an English journalist.
- Gracie Gold
Grace Elizabeth Gold (born August 17, 1995), known as Gracie Gold, is an American figure skater.
- Les Gold
Leslie "Les" Gold (born June 20, 1950) is an American pawnbroker, reality TV star, author, and media personality.
- Alison Gold
Alison Gold (born May 9, 2002) is an American pop singer.
- Issa Gold
Marlon Fung (born July 26, 1990), better known by his stage name Issa Gold, is an American rapper from Brooklyn, New York.
- Adekunle Gold
Adekunle Kosoko (born January 28, 1987), known professionally as Adekunle Gold, is a Nigerian highlife singer, songwriter and graphic designer.
- GoldLink
DeAnthony Carlos (born May 17, 1993), better known by his stage name GoldLink, is an American rapper.
- Henry Golding
Henry Ewan Golding (born 5 February 1987) is a Malaysian-born English actor, model, and television host who has been a presenter on BBC's The Travel Show since 2014.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Gold Numerology: Name Gold has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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