What does the name Giorgia mean? What is the meaning of the name Giorgia?
Meaning of Giorgia: Name Giorgia in the Italian origin, means The meaning of Giorgia comes from Greek word and means The Farmer.. Name Giorgia is of Italian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Giorgia are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Giorgia: The meaning of Giorgia comes from Greek word and means The Farmer.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Giorgia (Namesakes)
- Giorgia Carrossa
Giorgia Carrossa (born July 31, 1986) is an Italian former competitive figure skater.
- Giorgia Meloni
Giorgia Meloni (born 15 January 1977) is an Italian journalist and politician who leads Brothers of Italy, a national conservative party in Italy.
- Giorgia Palmas
Giorgia Palmas (born 5 March 1982) is an Italian television personality and model.
- Giorgia (singer)
Giorgia Todrani, best known as Giorgia (born 26 April 1971) is an Italian female singer, songwriter, musician, record producer and radio host.
- Giorgia Bronzini
Giorgia Bronzini (born 3 August 1983) is an Italian professional racing cyclist.
- Giorgia Apollonio
Giorgia Apollonio (born 13 March 1988 in Pieve di Cadore) is an Italian curler.
- Giorgia Fumanti
Giorgia Fumanti (born February 22, 1975) is an Italian soprano singer of operatic pop and crossover music based in Montreal, Canada since 2002.
- Giorgia Motta
Giorgia Motta is an Italian football defender, currently playing for Torres CF in Serie A. She has also played for Bardolino CF in Serie A and AD Torrejón in the Spanish Superleague.
- Giorgia Benecchi
Giorgia Benecchi (Parma, 9 July 1989) is an Italian pole vaulter.
- Giorgia Würth
Giorgia Würth (born 5 June 1981) is a Swiss-Italian television presenter and actress.
- Giorgia Fraiegari
- Giorgia Bordignon
Giorgia Bordignon (born 24 May 1987) is an Italian weightlifter.
- Giorgia Brenzan
Giorgia Brenzan (born 21 August 1967) is an Italian former international footballer who played as a goalkeeper.
- Giorgia Biondani
Giorgia Biondani (born 14 June 1997) is an Italian swimmer.
- Giorgia Whigham
Giorgia Whigham (born August 18, 1997) is an American actress.
- Giorgia Lo Bue
Giorgia Lo Bue (born 20 February 1994) is an Italian lightweight rower.
- Giorgia Villa
Giorgia Villa (born 23 February 2003) is an Italian artistic gymnast and was a member of the historic team that won bronze at the 2019 World Championships in Stuttgart, Germany.
- Giorgia Zannoni
Giorgia Zannoni (born 11 February 1998) is an Italian volleyball player for the Italian national team.
- Giorgia Bariani
- Giorgia Marchetti
Giorgia Marchetti (born 21 January 1995) is an Italian tennis player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Giorgia Numerology: Name Giorgia has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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