What does the name Gilmore mean? What is the meaning of the name Gilmore
Meaning of Gilmore: Name Gilmore in the Celtic origin, means Gilmore is a Celtic male name. It means The Servan of Mary.. Name Gilmore is of Celtic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Gilmore are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gilmore (Namesakes)
- Greg Gilmore
Greg Gilmore (born January 3, 1962) is a musician in Seattle, Washington, and co-founder of the recording label First World Music.
- Thea Gilmore
Thea Eve Gilmore (born 25 November 1979) is an English singer-songwriter.
- Jim Gilmore
James Stuart Gilmore III (born October 6, 1949) is an American politician, diplomat and former attorney who was the 68th Governor of Virginia from 1998 to 2002 and Chairman of the Republican National Committee in 2001.
- Eamon Gilmore
Eamon Gilmore (born 24 April 1955) is an Irish Labour Party politician who serves as European Union Special Representative for Human Rights since February 2019.
- Artis Gilmore
Artis Gilmore (born September 21, 1949) is an American retired basketball player who played in the American Basketball Association (ABA) and National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Peter H. Gilmore
Peter Howard Gilmore (born May 24, 1958) is an American composer, artist, and author.
- Susan Gilmore
Susan Gilmore (born 24 November 1954 in London) is an English actress with a number of prominent television credits to her name, including Elizabeth Fitt in the BBC hospital drama Angels and Avril Rolfe in Howards' Way.
- David Gilmore
David Gilmore (born 5 February 1964) is an American jazz guitarist.
Gilmore studied at New York University with Joe Lovano and Jim McNeely.
- Stephanie Gilmore
Stephanie Louise Gilmore is an Australian professional surfer and seven-time world champion on the Women's ASP World Tour (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018).
- Alexie Gilmore
Alexie Gilmore (born December 11, 1976) is an American actress who starred in the short-lived (five weeks) television series New Amsterdam as Dr.
- Patrick Gilmore (actor)
Patrick Gilmore (born June 1, 1976) is a Canadian actor known for playing the role of Dale Volker in the science fiction series Stargate Universe.
- Stephon Gilmore
Stephon Stiles Gilmore (born September 19, 1990) is an American football cornerback for the New England Patriots of the National Football League (NFL).
- Sheila Gilmore
Sheila Gilmore (born 1 October 1949) is a British Labour Party politician, who was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Edinburgh East from 2010 to 2015.
- Gus Gilmore
Major General Peter Warwick "Gus" Gilmore, (born 31 January 1962) is a retired senior officer of the Australian Army.
- Jared S. Gilmore
Jared Scott Gilmore (born May 30, 2000) is an American actor.
- Joey Gilmore
Joshua Gilmore (born July 6, 1944), better known as Joey, is an American electric blues and soul blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Gilmore Numerology: Name Gilmore has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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