What does the name Giancarlo mean? What is the meaning of the name Giancarlo
Meaning of Giancarlo: Name Giancarlo in the Italian origin, means God's manly gift. Name Giancarlo is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Giancarlo are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Giancarlo (Namesakes)
- Giancarlo (footballer, born 1990)
Giancarlo Lopes Rodrigues (born 14 January 1990), known simply as Giancarlo, is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a forward for Liga 1 club PSM Makassar.
- Giancarlo Giannini
Giancarlo Giannini (born August 1, 1942) is an Italian actor, voice actor, director and screenwriter.
- Giancarlo Fisichella
Giancarlo Fisichella (Italian pronunciation: [dʒaŋˈkarlo fiziˈkɛlla]; born 14 January 1973), also known as Fisico, Giano or Fisi, is an Italian professional racing driver.
- Giancarlo Parretti
Giancarlo Parretti (born 23 October 1941) is an Italian financier.
In 1989, he took over Cannon Film Group Inc.
- Giancarlo Peris
- Giancarlo Minardi
Giancarlo Minardi (born 18 September 1947) is the founder and former Managing Director of the now-defunct Minardi Formula One team.
- Giancarlo Esposito
Giancarlo Giuseppe Alessandro Esposito (Italian pronunciation: [dʒaŋˈkarlo dʒuˈzɛppe alesˈsandro eˈspɔːzito]; born April 26, 1958) is an Italian-American actor and director.
- Giancarlo Giorgetti
Giancarlo Giorgetti (born 16 December 1966 in Cazzago Brabbia) is an Italian politician and prominent member of the League, of which he became deputy secretary in 2013.
- Giancarlo Marocchi
Giancarlo Marocchi (Italian pronunciation: [dʒaŋˈkarlo maˈrɔkki]; born 4 July 1965) is an Italian former professional footballer who played as a central midfielder.
- Giancarlo Pantano
Giancarlo Pantano (born 15 June 1977 in Rome) is an Italian footballer.
- Giancarlo Stanton
Giancarlo Cruz Michael Stanton (born November 8, 1989), formerly known as Mike Stanton, is an American outfielder and designated hitter for the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB).
- Giancarlo Monsalve
Giancarlo Monsalve Leyton (born 4 March 1982) is a Chilean spinto tenor.
- Giancarlo González
Giancarlo "Pipo" González Castro (Spanish pronunciation: [ʝaŋˈkaɾlo ɣonˈsales]; born 8 February 1988; also known as Juan Carlos González in Spanish) is a Costa Rican professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for American club LA Galaxy and the Costa Rica national team.
- Giancarlo Caltabiano
Giancarlo Caltabiano is a Canadian actor best known as George S. Goodwin III on Radio Active and Ben Shaw on Fries with That?.
- Giancarlo Magalli
Giancarlo Magalli (born 5 July 1947) is an Italian television writer and presenter.
- Giancarlo Flati
Giancarlo Flati (L'Aquila, May 11, 1953) is an Italian painter, researcher and writer.
- Giancarlo Previato
Giancarlo Israel Previato, also known as Giancarlo Previato or simply Gian (born May 14, 1993 in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil), is a Brazilian professional football player, who plays for Inter de Lages.
- Giancarlo Coraggio
Giancarlo Coraggio (born 16 December 1940) is an Italian judge.
- Giancarlo Malcore
Giancarlo Malcore (born 26 December 1993) is an Italian football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Giancarlo Numerology: Name Giancarlo has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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