What does the name Ghani mean? What is the meaning of the name Ghani?
Meaning of Ghani: Name Ghani in the Arabic origin, means A rich, wealthy and prosperous person. Name Ghani is of Arabic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ghani are usually Muslim by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Ghani: A rich, wealthy and prosperous person
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Ghani (Namesakes)
- Ashraf Ghani
Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai (Pashto: محمد اشرف غني احمدزی, Dari: محمد اشرف غني احمدزی; born 19 May 1949) is an Afghan politician who is serving as the President of Afghanistan.
- Abdul Ghani Rahman
Abdul Ghani Bin Abdul Rahman (born 12 December 1985) is a Malaysian footballer who plays as a defender for Marcerra Kuantan in the Malaysia Premier League.
- Hashmat Ghani Ahmadzai
Hashmat Ghani Ahmadzai (Pashto/Dari: حشمت غنی احمدزی) is an Afghan politician who is the Grand Council Chieftain of the Kuchis.
- Safwan Abdul-Ghani
Safwan Abdul-Ghani Mohammed (Arabic: صفوان عبدالغني محمد; born September 9, 1983 in Iraq) is an Iraqi football player who currently plays for Al-Shorta in Iraq.
- Ahmed Abdel-Ghani
Ahmed Abdel-Ghani (born 1 December 1981) is an Egyptian professional footballer who currently plays as a striker for Egyptian Premier League club Haras El Hodood as well as the Egyptian national team.
- Abdul Ghani Othman
Tan Sri Dato' Abdul Ghani bin Othman (Jawi: عبدالغاني بن عثمان; born 14 November 1946) served as the 14th Menteri Besar of Johor in Malaysia from 1995 to 2013.
- Abdul Ghani Ahmad
Haji Abdul Ghani Ahmad (born 3 June 1970) is a Malaysian politician.
- Sheharyar Ghani
Sheharyar Ghani (Urdu: شہریارغنی; born, 9 September 1985, Karachi) is an international cricketer from Pakistan.
- Abdul Ghani Malik
Abdul Ghani Malik (born 25 May 1972) is a former Malaysian footballer.
- Usman Ghani
Usman Ghani (Pashto: غني عثمان; born 20 November 1996) is an Afghanistan international cricketer He is a right-handed opening batsman.
- Ghani Parwaz
Ghani Parwaz is an author from Turbat, Balochistan, in Pakistan.
- Nus Ghani
Nusrat Munir Ul-Ghani (born 1 September 1972) is a British Conservative Party politician who has served as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Wealden in East Sussex since 2015.
- Taufiq Ghani
Muhammad Taufiq bin Ghani (born 19 November 1989) is a Singaporean football player who plays for Geylang International in the S.League.
- Abdel Ghani Guériguer
Abdel Ghani Guériguer (born 21 January 1970) is a Moroccan sprinter.
- Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani
Mushtaq Ahmed Ghani (Urdu: مشتاق احمد غنی; born 30 October 1956) is a Pakistani politician who is the current Speaker of Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, in office since August 2018.
- Gamal Amin Abdel Ghani
Gamal Amin Abdel Ghani (born 20 April 1963) is an Egyptian field hockey player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Ghani Numerology: Name Ghani has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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