What does the name Ghanem mean? What is the meaning of the name Ghanem?
Meaning of Ghanem: Name Ghanem means Successful. Name Ghanem is a Boy name. People with name Ghanem are usually Muslim by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Ghanem (Namesakes)
- Samir Ghanem
Samir Youssef Ghanem (Arabic: سمير يوسف غانم; born 15 January 1937) is an Egyptian comedian, singer, and entertainer.
- Ahmed Ghanem Soltan
Ahmed Ghanem Soltan (Arabic: أحمد غانم سلطان) (born on 8 April 1986 in Giza) is an Egyptian footballer who currently plays for Egyptian Premier League side El Gouna.
- Ola Ghanem
Ola Ghanem (Egyptian Arabic: علا غانم pronounced [ˈʕolæ ˈɣæːnem]; born November 26, 1971) is an Egyptian actress.
- Ghanem Nuseibeh
Ghanem Nuseibeh (born May 11, 1977) is the founder of a strategy and management consultancy company, Cornerstone Global Associates.
- Nassir Al-Ghanem
Nassir Ghanem AlEnezi (born 4 April 1961) is a former Kuwaiti football midfielder who played for Kuwait in the 1982 FIFA World Cup, he also played for Kazma Sporting Club.
- Ghanem Hamarsheh
Ghanem Hamarsheh (born January 1, 1977) is a retired Jordanian footballer of Palestinian origin.
- Donia Samir Ghanem
Donia Samir Youssef Ghanem (Arabic: دنيا سمير يوسف غانم; born 1 January 1985) is an Egyptian actress and singer.
- Joe Ghanem
Joe Ghanem (born May 8, 1990 in Falougha, Lebanon) is a Lebanese racing driver and son of 1980's Lebanese Rally Champion Samir Ghanem.
Ghanem became the first Lebanese to stand on a podium in a single seater race in Europe when he finished 2nd place in the 2009 Cooper Tires British Formula 3 International Series - National Class with Carlin Motorsport.
- Ghanem Haddaf
Ghanem Haddaf (Arabic:غانم هداف) (born 27 September 1991) is a Qatari footballer.
- Abdullah Ghanem
Abdullah Ghanem (Arabic:عبد الله غانم) (born 21 May 1995) is an Emirati footballer.
- Ghanem Bashir
Ghanem Bashir (Arabic:غانم بشير) (born 11 November 1986) is an Emirati footballer.
- Ghanem al-Dosari
Ghanem Humood al-Masarir al-Dosari (Arabic: غانم حمود المصارير الدوسري; born May 16, 1980 in Aflaj, Saudi Arabia), is a London-based Saudi human rights activist and a popular political satirist.
- Ahmed Ghanem
Ahmed Ghanem (born 12 January 1959) is an Egyptian hurdler.
- Ghanem Zaid
Ghanem Zaid (born 28 February 1965) is a Kuwaiti athlete.
- Mohamed Ghanem
Mohamed Ghanem (Arabic:محمد غانم) (born 4 May 1984) is a Qatari footballer.
- Ghanem Ahmed
Ghanem Ahmed (born 29 September 1999) is a Emirati footballer who plays as midfielder for Al-Wasl .
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Ghanem Numerology: Name Ghanem has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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