What does the name Gert mean? What is the meaning of the name Gert?
Meaning of Gert: Name Gert in the German origin, means German and Dutch short type of Gerhard (strongest with the spear). Name Gert is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Gert are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Gert: German and Dutch short type of Gerhard (strongest with the spear)
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gert (Namesakes)
- Gert Verheyen
Gert Verheyen (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈɣɛrt fərˈɦɛiə(n)]; born 20 September 1970) is a Belgian retired footballer and manager, who was last in charge of Oostende.
- Gert Wingårdh
Gert Wingårdh (born 1951) is a Swedish architect whose company, Wingårdh arkitektkontor, maintains an international practice.
- Gert Schalkwyk
- Gert Kams
Gert Kams (born 25 May 1985) is a retired Estonian professional footballer who played as a right back.
- Gert Heidler
Gert Heidler (born 30 January 1948) is a former footballer who played for Dynamo Dresden from 1962 until 1982, making 282 appearances.
- Gert Fylking
Gert Åke Fylking, born on 7 October 1945 in Stockholm, is a Swedish actor, journalist, politician (Christian Democrat) and anchorman of the radio programme Gert's Värld on Radio 1 101,9 FM, where he is known by the nickname of Fylking Sverige (a handle translatable as Your Man Fylking from Sweden).
- Gert Olesk
Gert Olesk (born 8 August 1973) is an Estonian football coach and former professional player.
- Gert Claessens
- Gert Dörfel
- Gert Wünsche
Gert Wünsche (born 19 February 1943) is a former German footballer.
- Gert Hildebrand
Gert Volker Hildebrand (born 22 August 1953 in Lörrach) is a German car designer and since 2011 is Head of Design at Qoros.
- Gert Ligterink
Gert Ligterink (born 17 November 1949 in Oldekerk) is a Dutch chess player.
- Gert Jakobs
Gert Jakobs (born 29 April 1964) is a Dutch former racing cyclist.
- Gert Muller
Gert Hendrik Muller (born 5 February 1986) is a South African professional rugby union player.
- Gert Verhulst
Gert Tony Hubert Verhulst (born 24 January 1968 in Berchem) is a Belgian presenter, entrepreneur, singer, autodidact, director, actor, screenwriter, composer, film producer, Millionaire & business magnate.
- Gert Nöster
Gert Nöster (born 10 April 1940) is an Austrian sprinter.
- Gert Hekma
Gerhardus "Gert" Hekma (born 24 September 1951) is a Dutch anthropologist and sociologist, known for his research and publications, and controversial public statements, about (homo)sexuality.
- Gert Cloete
Gert Cloete (born 11 September 1988) is a South African cricketer.
- Gert Larsen
Gert Munch Larsen (born February 9, 1960) is a Danish curler and curling coach.
At the international level, he is a 1981 European bronze medallist.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Gert Numerology: Name Gert has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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