What does the name Gerrard mean? What is the meaning of the name Gerrard?
Meaning of Gerrard: Name Gerrard in the French origin, means One who is mighty with a spear. Name Gerrard is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Gerrard are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Gerrard: One who is mighty with a spear
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gerrard (Namesakes)
- Martin Gerrard
Martin Gerrard (born 19 May 1967) is a former English cricketer.
- Lisa Gerrard
Lisa Gerrard (; born 12 April 1961) is an Australian musician, singer and composer who rose to prominence as part of the music group Dead Can Dance with music partner Brendan Perry.
- Neil Gerrard
Neil Francis Gerrard (born 3 July 1942) is a British Labour Party politician, who was the Member of Parliament (MP) for Walthamstow from 1992 until 2010.
- Steven Gerrard
Steven George Gerrard (born 30 May 1980) is an English professional football manager and former player who manages Scottish Premiership club Rangers.
- Jon Gerrard
Jon Gerrard (born October 13, 1947) is a politician in Manitoba, Canada.
- John M. Gerrard
John Melvin Gerrard (born November 2, 1953) is the Chief United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska.
- Paul Gerrard
Paul William Gerrard (born 22 January 1973) is an English football goalkeeping coach and retired player.
- Mark Gerrard
Mark Gerrard (born 4 September 1982) is an Australian professional rugby union footballer.
- Mo'onia Gerrard
Mo'onia Gerrard (born 15 November 1980 in Bathurst, Australia) is a former Australian netball player of Tongan descent.
- Anthony Gerrard
Anthony Gerrard (born 6 February 1986) is a professional footballer who last played as a centre back for Chesterfield.
- John Gerrard (artist)
John Gerrard, (born 20 July 1974) is an Irish artist, working in Dublin and Vienna, best known for his sculptures, which typically take the form of digital simulations displayed using Real-time computer graphics.
- Lew Gerrard
Lewis Albert Gerrard (born 5 April 1938) is a former New Zealand international tennis player.
- Alex Gerrard (rugby league)
Alex Gerrard (born 5 November 1991) is a rugby league footballer who plays as a prop for the Leigh Centurions in the Betfred Championship.
- Gerrard Sheppard
Gerrard Sheppard (born November 16, 1990) is an American football wide receiver who is currently a free agent.
- Gerrard Gosens
Gerrard James Gosens, OAM (born 3 February 1970) is a vision-impaired Australian Paralympic athlete, goalball player, triathlete, adventurer, chocolatier and motivational speaker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Gerrard Numerology: Name Gerrard has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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