What does the name Gerda mean? What is the meaning of the name Gerda
Meaning of Gerda: Name Gerda in the German, Norse, Latvian, Scandinavian origin, means Refers to attachment or insertion.. Name Gerda is of German, Norse, Latvian, Scandinavian origin and is a Girl name. People with name Gerda are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Gerda: Refers to attachment or insertion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gerda (Namesakes)
- Gerda Weissmann Klein
Gerda Weissmann Klein (born May 8, 1924, Bielsko, Poland) is a Polish American writer and human rights activist.
- Gerda Kraan
Gerarda ("Gerda") Maria Kraan (born 30 July 1933) is a retired female middle distance runner from the Netherlands, who twice represented her native country at the Summer Olympics: 1960 (Rome) and 1964 (Tokyo).
- Gerda Muller
Gerda Muller (born 7 September 1936) is a Venezuelan fencer.
- Gerda Johner
Gerda Johner (born 20 July 1944) was a Swiss pair skater.
- Gerda Lassooij
Gerarda ("Gerda") Hendrica Maria Lassooij (born 22 August 1952) is a retired Dutch swimmer.
- Gerda Krūmiņa
Gerda Krūmiņa (born November 26, 1984 in Cēsis) is a Latvian biathlete.
Krūmiņa competed in the 2006 and 2010 Winter Olympics for Latvia.
- Gerda Sierens
Gerda Sierens (born 28 July 1961) is a former Belgian racing cyclist.
- Gerda Mayer
Gerda Kamilla Mayer (born 9 June 1927) is an English poet born to a Jewish family in Karlsbad, Czechoslovakia.
- Gerda Olsen
Gerda Olsen (born 12 June 1932) is a Danish former swimmer.
- Gerda Voitechovskaja
Gerda Voitechovskaja (born 15 May 1991) is a Lithuanian badminton player.
- Gerda Ranz
Gerda Ranz (born 29 November 1944) is a German middle-distance runner.
- Gerda Kupferschmied
Gerda Kupferschmied (born 19 August 1942) is a German athlete.
- Gerda Uhlemann
Gerda Uhlemann (née Mittenzwei; born 22 February 1945) is a German athlete.
- Gerda Dendooven
Gerda Dendooven (born 10 May 1962) is a Belgian illustrator.
- Gerda Steyn
Gerda Steyn (born 3 March 1990) is a South African marathon and ultramarathon athlete.
- Gerda Herrmann
Gerda Herrmann (born on June 30, 1931 in Cannstatt) is a German composer and poet.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Gerda Numerology: Name Gerda has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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