What does the name Georgy mean? What is the meaning of the name Georgy?
Meaning of Georgy: Name Georgy in the Russian origin, means Variant of Gerogiy (farmer or earth worker). Name Georgy is of Russian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Georgy are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Georgy (Namesakes)
- Georgy Poltavchenko
Georgy Sergeyevich Poltavchenko (Russian: Гео́ргий Серге́евич Полта́вченко, IPA: [ɡʲɪˈorɡʲɪj sʲɪrˈɡʲejɪvʲɪtɕ pɐlˈtaftɕɪnkə]; born on 24 February 1953, in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, Soviet Union (today Azerbaijan) is a Russian politician.
- Georgy Mondzolevski
Georgy Grigorevich Mondzolevski (Russian: Георгий Григорьевич Мондзолевский, born January 26, 1934) is a Soviet former volleyball player who competed for the Soviet Union in the 1964 Summer Olympics and in the 1968 Summer Olympics.
- Georgy Garmashov
Georgy Vladimirovich Garmashov (Russian: Гео́ргий Влади́мирович Гармашо́в; born 12 April 1974) is a Russian professional association football official and a former player.
- Georgy Gabulov
Georgy Borisovich Gabulov (Russian: Георгий Борисович Габулов, Ossetian: Гæбулты Борисы фырт Гиуæрги; born 4 September 1988) is a Russian footballer.
- Georgy Gogichayev
Georgy Shotayevich Gogichayev (Russian: Гео́ргий Шота́евич Гогича́ев; born 16 January 1991) is a Russian professional association football player who last played in Armenia for Shirak.
- Georgy Gelashvili
Georgy Gelashvili (Russian: Гео́ргий Како́евич Гелашви́ли, Georgian: გიორგი გელაშვილი, born August 30, 1983) is a Russian professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Georgy Zhukov (footballer)
Georgy Zhukov (born 19 November 1994) is a Kazakh footballer who plays for Wisła Kraków and Kazakhstan.
- Georgy Fotev
Georgy Fotev (Bulgarian: Георги Фотев) (born August 24, 1941) is a Bulgarian sociologist.
- Georgy Trefilov
Georgy Yuryevich Trefilov (Russian: Гео́ргий Ю́рьевич Трефи́лов; born 1 June 1971) is a Russian multimillionaire, businessman, the founder and the former co-owner of the "MARTA" holding.
- Georgy Razumovsky
Georgy Petrovich Razumovsky (Russian: Гео́ргий Петро́вич Разумо́вский, born 19 January 1936) is a Soviet politician who was a high-ranking official in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU).
- Georgy Evseev
Georgy Aleksandrovich Evseev (Russian: Георгий Александрович Евсеев; born 28 May 1962) is a Russian chess problemist.
- Georgy Cherdantsev
Georgy Vladimirovich Cherdantsev (Russian: Георгий Владимирович Черданцев; February 1, 1971, Moscow, USSR) is a Russian sports commentator, TV and radio.
- Georgy Martirosyan
Georgy Khachaturovich Martirosyan (Russian: Гео́ргий Хачату́рович Мартиросьян; January 31, 1948, Rostov-on-Don) is a Soviet and Russian film, stage and voice actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).
- Georgy Yevtyukhin
Georgy Yevtyukhin (born 9 May 1970) is a Russian former professional ice hockey centre.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 5
Baby Name Georgy Numerology: Name Georgy has a number value of 5 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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