What does the name Georgina mean? What is the meaning of the name Georgina
Meaning of Georgina: Name Georgina in the Anglo Saxon, English, Spanish origin, means A form of Georgia. Name Georgina is of Anglo Saxon, English, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Georgina are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Georgina (Namesakes)
- Georgina Spelvin
Georgina Spelvin (born March 1, 1936) is the stage name of Shelley Bob Graham, a former American actress and pornographic performer who is best known as the star of the classic 1973 pornographic film The Devil in Miss Jones, released during the Golden Age of Porn (1969–1984).
- Georgina Rizk
Georgina Rizk (Arabic: جورجينا رزق, born 3 January 1953) is a Lebanese model, socialite and beauty queen.
- Georgina Sherrington
- Georgina Cates
Georgina Cates (born 14 January 1975) is an English film and television actress.
- Emma Georgina Rothschild
Emma Georgina Rothschild-Sen, CMG (born 16 May 1948) is a British economic historian who is a professor of History at Harvard University.
- Georgina Burnett
Georgina Burnett (born 7 December 1978) is an Australian-born British weather presenter, television presenter, vlogger, property developer, life coach and author.
- Georgina Leonidas
- Georgina Theodora Wood
Georgina Theodora Wood (born 8 June 1947) is a Ghanaian judge and also a former police prosecution officer.
- Georgina Chapman
Georgina Rose Chapman (born 14 April 1976) is an English fashion designer and actress.
- Georgina Hagen
Georgina "Georgie" Kimberley Hagen (born 21 June 1991) is an English actress and singer.
- Georgina Stojiljković
Georgina Stojiljkovic (born Đurđa Stojiljković; May 19, 1988) is a Serbian fashion model.
- Georgina Bloomberg
Georgina Leigh Bloomberg (born January 20, 1983) is the owner of the equestrian team New York Empire, a professional equestrian, and a philanthropist.
- Georgina Wilson
Georgina Ashley Diaz Wilson-Burnand (born 12 February 1986) is a Filipino-British model, actress, host and VJ. In 2015, Wilson hosted the third cycle of the reality show, Asia's Next Top Model.
- Georgina Reilly
- Georgina Haig
Georgina Haig (born 3 August 1985) is an Australian film and television actress, known for her roles in the Australian children's television series The Elephant Princess, as well as the American television series Fringe, Limitless and Once Upon a Time.
- Georgina Campbell
Georgina Campbell is an English actress.
- Georgina Brandolini d'Adda
Princess Georgina Brandolini d'Adda, Contessa di Valmareno (born Princess Georgina Maria Natividad de Faucigny-Lucinge et Coligny; 23 December 1949) is a French-Brazilian fashion executive and designer.
- Georgina Amorós
Georgina Amorós is a Spanish actress known for her television work on series including Elite, Welcome to the Family and Locked Up.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Georgina Numerology: Name Georgina has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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