What does the name Gentry mean? What is the meaning of the name Gentry
Meaning of Gentry: Name Gentry in the English origin, means The one who has high dignity by his birth.. Name Gentry is of English origin and is a Unisex name. People with name Gentry are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Gentry: The one who has high dignity by his birth.
Popular names also beginning with 'g'
The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gentry (Namesakes)
- Yanic Gentry
Yanic Gentry or Yanic Arno Gentry Torfer (born 20 February 1991) is a Mexican sailor.
- Bobbie Gentry
Bobbie Lee Gentry (born Roberta Lee Streeter; July 27, 1942) is a retired American singer-songwriter who was one of the first female artists to compose and produce her own material.
Gentry rose to international fame in 1967 with her Southern Gothic narrative "Ode to Billie Joe".
- Gary Gentry
Gary Edward Gentry (born October 6, 1946 in Phoenix, Arizona), is a former right-handed Major League Baseball pitcher.
- Kenneth Gentry
Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. (3 May 1950) is a Reformed theologian, and an ordained minister in the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly.
- Dennis Gentry
Dennis Louis Gentry (born February 10, 1959) is a former professional American football player who was selected by the Chicago Bears in the 4th round of the 1982 NFL Draft.
- Alvin Gentry
Alvin Harris Gentry (born November 5, 1954) is an American basketball coach who is head coach of the New Orleans Pelicans in the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Howard Gentry Jr.
Howard Gentry Jr. (born 1952) is an American politician.
- Matt Gentry
Matthew Judah Gentry (born July 30, 1982 in Grants Pass, Oregon, United States) is a male freestyle wrestler.
- Curt Gentry (American football)
Curtis William Gentry (born August 8, 1941) is a former American football player and coach.
- Craig Gentry
Craig Alan Gentry (born November 29, 1983) is an American former professional baseball outfielder.
- Gentry McCreary
Gentry McCreary, Sr. (born Gentry McCreary on September 19, 1941 in Oakland, California) is an award-winning Gospel Music Executive who has blazed a path for legions of Gospel music artists during his decades-long career.
- Nick Gentry
Nicholas James Gentry (born 29 May 1980) is a British artist from London.
- Fred Gentry
Frederick Paul Gentry (born July 7, 1977) was an American professional, now he is a coach in Lobos da Malveira A McNeese State Cowboys graduate, Gentry achieved greater success abroad, winning the African Club Champions in 2006 with Petro de Luanda.
- Tanner Gentry
Tanner Gentry (born December 18, 1994) is an American football wide receiver for the New York Guardians of the XFL. He played college football at Wyoming, and signed with the Chicago Bears as an undrafted free agent in 2017.
- Zach Gentry
Zach Gentry (born September 10, 1996) is an American football tight end for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Gentry Numerology: Name Gentry has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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