What does the name Gennaro mean? What is the meaning of the name Gennaro
Meaning of Gennaro: Name Gennaro in the Italian origin, means One who belongs to God Janus (God of Romans). Name Gennaro is of Italian origin and is a Boy name. People with name Gennaro are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Gennaro: One who belongs to God Janus (God of Romans)
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gennaro (Namesakes)
- Gennaro Gattuso
Gennaro Ivan "Rino" Gattuso (Italian pronunciation: [dʒenˈnaːro ɡatˈtuːzo]; born 9 January 1978) is a retired Italian footballer who is the current manager of Napoli.
- Gennaro Contaldo
Gennaro Contaldo, (Italian pronunciation: [dʒenˈnaːro konˈtaldo]; born 20 January 1949) is an Italian chef and restaurateur, known for his association with his British protégé, Jamie Oliver, and his partnership with fellow Italian chef Antonio Carluccio and their BBC Two television series Two Greedy Italians.
- Davide Di Gennaro
Davide Di Gennaro (born 16 June 1988) is an Italian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Juve Stabia, on loan from Lazio.
- Gennaro Bracigliano
Gennaro Bracigliano (born 1 March 1980) is a French former footballer, who played as a goalkeeper.
- Antonio Di Gennaro
Antonio di Gennaro (Italian pronunciation: [anˈtɔːnjo di dʒenˈnaːro]; born 5 October 1958) is an Italian former footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Gennaro Esposito
Gennaro Esposito (born 18 March 1985) is an Italian football player who plays for Serie D club ASD Corigliano Calabro.
He plays classic #10 position playmaker.
- Gennaro Troianiello
Gennaro Troianiello (or spells as Troianello; born 21 March 1983) is an Italian footballer who plays as a midfielder for Italian Serie D club A.S.D. S.F. Gladiator 1912.
- Gennaro Ruggiero
Gennaro Ruggiero (born 4 February 2000) is an Italian footballer who plays for the Torino U-19 squad on loan from Palermo.
- Gennaro DiNapoli
Gennaro L. DiNapoli (born May 25, 1975 in Manhasset, New York) is a former center and guard in the National Football League for the Oakland Raiders, the Tennessee Titans, and the Dallas Cowboys.
- Flo Gennaro
Flo Gennaro (born January 9, 1991 in Rosario, Santa Fe) is an Argentine fashion model.
- Gennaro Monaco
Gennaro Monaco (born January 5, 1968) is an Italian association football: he is former manager of Palmese and former player.
- Francesco Di Gennaro
Francesco Di Gennaro (born 5 December 1982) is an Italian footballer who plays as a forward for Metapontino.
- Giovanni De Gennaro (police officer)
Giovanni De Gennaro (born August 14, 1948 in Reggio Calabria, Italy) is Chairman of the first Italian Defense Group Leonardo (formerly Finmeccanica).
- Gennaro Tutino
Gennaro Tutino (born 20 August 1996) is an Italian footballer who plays for Empoli, on loan from Napoli.
- Lucrezia Gennaro
Lucrezia Gennaro (born 25 July 2001) is an Italian figure skater.
- Gennaro Armeno
Gennaro Armeno, Ջեննարո Արմենո,(born 12 February 1994) is an Italian professional footballer who plays as a left midfielder for Bisceglie.
- Gennaro Borrelli
Gennaro Borrelli (born 10 March 2000) is an Italian football player.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Gennaro Numerology: Name Gennaro has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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