What does the name Gates mean? What is the meaning of the name Gates?
Meaning of Gates: Name Gates in the English origin, means Refers to hurdles or barricades.. Name Gates is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Gates are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Gates: Refers to hurdles or barricades.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gates (Namesakes)
- Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III (born October 28, 1955) is an American business magnate, software developer, investor, and philanthropist.
- Melinda Gates
Melinda Ann Gates, (née French; August 15, 1964) is an American philanthropist and a former general manager at Microsoft.
- Gates McFadden
Cheryl Gates McFadden (born March 2, 1949), is an American actress and choreographer.
- David Gates
David Ashworth Gates (born December 11, 1940) is an American singer-songwriter, musician and producer, frontman and co-lead singer (with Jimmy Griffin) of the group Bread, which reached the tops of the musical charts in Europe and North America on several occasions in the 1970s.
- Gareth Gates
Gareth Paul Gates (born 12 July 1984) is an English singer-songwriter.
- Bill Gates Sr.
William Henry Gates II (born November 30, 1925), better known as Bill Gates Sr., is an American retired attorney and philanthropist, and author of the book Showing Up for Life: Thoughts on the Gifts of a Lifetime.
- William Gates (basketball)
William Gates (born December 28, 1971) is an American former Chicago-area high school and college basketball player.
- Robert Gates
Robert Michael Gates (born September 25, 1943) is an American statesman, scholar, intelligence analyst, and university president who served as the 22nd United States Secretary of Defense from 2006 to 2011.
- Antonio Gates
Antonio Ethan Gates Jr. (born June 18, 1980) is an American former professional football player who was a tight end for the San Diego/Los Angeles Chargers during his entire career in the National Football League (NFL).
- Synyster Gates
Brian Elwin Haner Jr. (born July 7, 1981), better known by his stage name Synyster Gates or simply Syn, is an American musician, best known for being the lead guitarist and backing vocalist of the band Avenged Sevenfold.
- Eric Gates
Eric Lazenby Gates is an English former football player born on 28 June 1955 in Ferryhill, County Durham.
- Mimi Gardner Gates
Mary "Mimi" Gates (née Gardner; born July 30, 1943) is an American art historian who is the recent Director of the Seattle Art Museum.
- Ondrea Gates
Ondrea "Vickie" Victoria Gates (previously Ondrea Victoria Gates-Lewis born September 25, 1962) is a professional female bodybuilder from the United States.
- Josh Gates
Josh Gates (born August 10, 1977) is an American television presenter, television producer and author.
- Clyde Gates
Edmond Darell "Clyde" Gates (born June 13, 1986) is a former American football wide receiver.
- Theaster Gates
Theaster Gates (born August 28, 1973) is an American social practice installation artist and a professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chicago.
- Kevin Gates
Kevin Jerome Gilyard (born February 5, 1986), better known by his stage name Kevin Gates, is an American rapper, singer, and entrepreneur.
- Naavya
- Jennifer Gates
Jennifer "Jen" Gates (born April 22, 1990) is a Canadian curler from Sudbury, Ontario.
- Lee Gates
Brice Lee Gates (born December 20, 1937) is an American blues guitarist, singer, and songwriter.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Gates Numerology: Name Gates has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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