What does the name Garvey mean? What is the meaning of the name Garvey
Meaning of Garvey: Name Garvey in the Celtic origin, means Painful destiny or Excruciating fortune. Name Garvey is of Celtic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Garvey are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Garvey: Painful destiny or Excruciating fortune
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Garvey (Namesakes)
- Steve Garvey
Steven Patrick Garvey (born December 22, 1948) is an American former professional baseball player.
- Jane Garvey (aviation administrator)
Jane F. Garvey is a former government transportation and public works official, now an American business executive, currently serving as the chairman of Meridiam North America.
- Guy Garvey
Guy Edward John Garvey (born 6 March 1974) is an English musician, singer, songwriter and BBC 6 Music presenter.
- Jane Garvey (broadcaster)
Jane Susan Garvey (born 23 June 1964) is a British radio presenter, currently of BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour, and co-founder of the weekly podcast series Fortunately (since March 2017).
- Cyndy Garvey
Cyndy Garvey (née Truhan) (born July 16, 1949, Detroit, Michigan) is an American television personality and former wife of baseball player Steve Garvey.
- Marcel Garvey
Marcel Garvey (born 21 April 1983) is an English rugby union player.
- Aaron Moses-Garvey
Aaron Moses-Garvey (born 6 September 1989) is an English-born former professional footballer who plays as a striker.
- John Garvey (soccer)
John Garvey (born March 26, 1969 in Guilford, Connecticut) is a retired American soccer player.
- Steve Garvey (musician)
Stephen Garvey (born 8 January 1958) is a musician who is known for being the bass guitarist of the punk band Buzzcocks, forming part of the classic line-up of the group, from 1977 to 1981, and, again, from 1989 to 1992.
- Rea Garvey
Raymond Michael "Rea" Garvey (born 3 May 1973 in Tralee, County Kerry) is an Irish singer-songwriter, guitarist and solo artist.
- John H. Garvey
John Hugh Garvey (born in Sharon, Pennsylvania, September 28, 1948) is the 15th President of the Catholic University of America.
- Adrian Garvey
Adrian Christopher Garvey (born 25 June 1968 in Bulawayo) is a former Zimbabwean-born South African rugby union player.
- Craig Garvey
Craig Garvey (born 28 April 1993) is an Australian professional rugby league footballer.
- Matt Garvey
Matt Garvey (born 23 October 1987) is a second row who also can play in the back row as well, and is playing for Bath Rugby and has played for the England Saxons team.
- Brant Garvey
Brant Garvey (born 9 January 1985) is an Australian leg amputee paratriathlete.
- Grant Garvey
Grant Garvey (born 17 September 1996) is an Australian professional rugby league footballer who plays for the Newtown Jets in the Intrust Super Premiership NSW. His position is hooker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Garvey Numerology: Name Garvey has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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