What does the name Garrick mean? What is the meaning of the name Garrick
Meaning of Garrick: Name Garrick means Oak spear. Name Garrick is a Boy name. People with name Garrick are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Garrick (Namesakes)
- Garrick Ohlsson
Garrick Olof Ohlsson (born April 3, 1948 in Bronxville, New York) is an American classical pianist.
- Leon Garrick
Leon Vivian Garrick (born 11 November 1976) is a West Indian cricketer who played one Test and three One Day Internationals in 2001.
- Tom Garrick
Thomas S. Garrick (born July 7, 1966) is a retired American professional basketball player who was selected by the Los Angeles Clippers in the second round (45th overall pick) of the 1988 NBA draft.
- Garrick Ibbotson
Garrick Ibbotson (born 15 March 1988) is a former professional Australian rules footballer who played for the Fremantle Football Club in the Australian Football League (AFL).
- Garrick Hagon
Garrick Hagon (born 27 September 1939) is a British-Canadian actor in film, stage, television and radio, best known for his role as Biggs Darklighter in Star Wars: A New Hope.
- Garrick Jones
Garrick Jones (born December 2, 1978, in Little Rock, Arkansas) is a former professional Canadian football offensive tackle.
- Garrick Morgan
Garrick Morgan (born 25 January 1970), is an Australian former rugby footballer, who played rugby union for the Australian team from 1992 to 1997.
- Garrick Gordon
Garrick Arthar-Ashe Gordon (born 4 November 1982, in Kingston) is a Jamaican football striker who currently plays for Real Destroyer in the Salvadoran Primera División.
- Garrick Cowley
Garrick Cowley is a Rugby Union player.
- Garrick McGee
Garrick Ladell McGee (born April 6, 1973) is an American football coach and former player.
- Madeleine Garrick
Madeleine Claire Garrick (born 1 April 1992) is an Australian professional basketball player in the Women's National Basketball League (WNBL).
- Garrick Porteous
Garrick Rennie Porteous (born 17 January 1990) is an English professional golfer who won The Amateur Championship in 2013 where he defeated Toni Hakula 6 & 5.
- Tonye Garrick
Tonye Garrick (born 27 August 1983), simply known as Tonye is a British-born Nigerian singer and songwriter.
- Reuben Garrick
Reuben Garrick (born 30 June 1997) is an Australian rugby league footballer who plays as a winger for the Manly Warringah Sea Eagles in the NRL.
He has also played for the Prime Minister's XIII.
- Jordon Garrick
Jordon D'Andre Garrick (born 15 July 1998) is a Jamaican professional footballer who plays for Championship side Swansea City.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Garrick Numerology: Name Garrick has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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