What does the name Garnett mean? What is the meaning of the name Garnett
Meaning of Garnett: Name Garnett in the English origin, means Armed with a spear. Name Garnett is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Garnett are usually Christianity by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Garnett (Namesakes)
- Kevin Garnett
Kevin Maurice Garnett (born May 19, 1976) is an American former professional basketball player who played for 21 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA).
- Michael Garnett
Michael Garnett (born November 25, 1982 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) is a Canadian professional ice hockey goaltender who is currently playing for Nottingham Panthers of the Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL).
- Garnett Kruger
Garnett John-Peter Kruger (born 5 January 1977) is a South African cricketer.
- Carlos Garnett
Carlos Garnett (born December 1, 1938) is a Panamanian-American jazz saxophonist.
- Bill Garnett
William Patrick Garnett (born April 22, 1960) is a retired American professional basketball player who was selected by the Dallas Mavericks in the first round (4th overall) of the 1982 NBA Draft.
- Gale Garnett
Gale Zoë Garnett (born 17 July 1942) is a New Zealand–born Canadian singer best known in the United States for her self-penned, Grammy-winning folk hit "We'll Sing in the Sunshine".
- Shaun Garnett
Shaun Garnett (born 22 November 1969, Wallasey, Cheshire) is an English former professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Garnett S. Stokes
Garnett Sue Stokes (born December 20, 1955 in Washington, D.C.) is the current president of the University of New Mexico, a position she has held since March 1, 2018.
- Marlon Garnett
Marlon Errol Garnett (born July 3, 1975) is an American-Belizean coach and former professional basketball player.
- Scott Garnett
Scott Aaron Garnett (born December 3, 1962) is a former American football defensive lineman who played four seasons in the National Football League for the Denver Broncos, San Francisco 49ers, San Diego Chargers, and Buffalo Bills.
- Gary Garnett
Vice-Admiral Gary Leslie Garnett CMM, CD is a retired officer of the Canadian Forces.
- Brice Garnett
Brice Garnett (born September 6, 1983) is an American professional golfer who has played on the PGA Tour.
- Garnett Genuis
Garnett Genuis (born January 23, 1987) is a Canadian politician who was elected to represent the riding of Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan (in Alberta) in the House of Commons of Canada in the 2015 federal election.
- Joshua Garnett
Joshua Samuel Garnett (born February 21, 1994) is an American football guard for the Detroit Lions of the National Football League (NFL).
- Addison Garnett
Addison Righteous Adam Garnett (born 13 September 1996) is an English semi-professional footballer who plays as a defender for Bedfont Sports.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Garnett Numerology: Name Garnett has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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