What does the name Gannon mean? What is the meaning of the name Gannon
Meaning of Gannon: Name Gannon in the American, Irish origin, means The god of silence. Name Gannon is of American, Irish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Gannon are usually Hindu by religion.
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The one who will live in peace and give peace to others, who will love and give love to all others.
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Famous people with name Gannon (Namesakes)
- Rich Gannon
Richard Joseph Gannon (born December 20, 1965) is a former American football quarterback who played eighteen seasons in the National Football League (NFL).
- Craig Gannon
Craig Gannon (born 30 July 1966) is an English guitar player, best known as the second guitarist in The Smiths.
- Jeff Gannon
James Dale Guckert (born May 22, 1957) is an American conservative columnist better known by the pseudonym Jeff Gannon.
- Jim Gannon
James Paul Gannon (born 7 September 1968) is a former footballer who is now manager of National League side Stockport County.
- Terry Gannon
Terrance Patrick Gannon (born November 1, 1963, in Joliet, Illinois) is a sportscaster for NBC Sports and the Golf Channel, currently announcing golf and figure skating.
- John Gannon (footballer)
John Gannon (born 18 December 1966) is an English former professional footballer, featuring mainly for Sheffield United.
- Dave Gannon
Dave Gannon (born 11 February 1983) is a rugby union player from Ireland.
- Cameron Gannon
Cameron John Gannon (born 23 January 1989) is an Australian cricketer.
- Sharon Gannon
Sharon Gannon (born July 4, 1951 in Washington, D.C.) is a yoga teacher, animal rights advocate, musician, author, dancer and choreographer.
- Sean Gannon (footballer)
Sean Gannon (born 11 July 1991) is an Irish professional footballer who plays as a defender for Dundalk in the League of Ireland Premier Division.
- Chris Gannon
- Charles E. Gannon
Charles E. Gannon is a novelist, and a game designer who has worked primarily on role-playing games.
- Anne M. Gannon
Anne M. Gannon (born December 23, 1947) is a Democratic politician who currently serves as the Palm Beach County Tax Collector.
- Oliver Gannon
Oliver Gannon (born 23 March 1943) is an award winning Irish-born Canadian guitarist.
- Curtis E. Gannon
Curtis E. Gannon (born October 7, 1973) is the Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice.
- Gary Gannon
Gary Gannon (born 18 February 1987) is an Irish Social Democrats politician who has been a Teachta Dála (TD) for the Dublin Central constituency since the 2020 general election.
He served as a Dublin City Councillor from 2014 to 2020.
- Emma Gannon
Emma Gannon (16 June 1989) is a writer, broadcaster, podcaster who is best known for her Webby nominated podcast Ctrl Alt Delete and Sunday Times Bestselling business book The Multi-Hyphen Method.
- Pat Gannon
Pat Gannon (born 25 September 1958) is an Irish rower.
- Chris Gannon (American football)
Christopher Stephen Gannon is a former American football defensive end who played college football at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and professional football (gridiron) in the National Football League for the New England Patriots and the San Diego Chargers.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Gannon Numerology: Name Gannon has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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