What does the name Fulvio mean? What is the meaning of the name Fulvio
Meaning of Fulvio: Name Fulvio in the Latin origin, means The one who is having red hair.. Name Fulvio is of Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fulvio are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Fulvio (Namesakes)
- Fulvio Melia
Fulvio Melia (born 2 August 1956) is an Italian-American astrophysicist, cosmologist and author.
- Fulvio Flavoni
Fulvio Flavoni(born 25 January 1970) is an Italian football goalkeeper, who plays for FC Fossombrone in the Eccellenza.
- Fulvio Cecere
Fulvio Cecere (born March 11, 1960) is a Canadian actor and filmmaker.
- Fulvio Collovati
Fulvio Collovati (Italian pronunciation: [ˈfulvjo kolloˈvaːti]; born 9 May 1957) is an Italian former footballer, who played as a defender.
- Fulvio Valbusa
Fulvio Valbusa (born February 15, 1969 in Verona) is an Italian cross-country skier who competed from 1992 to 2006.
- Fulvio Scola
Fulvio Scola (born December 10, 1982) is an Italian cross country skier who has competed since 2001.
- Fulvio Pelli
Fulvio Pelli (born 26 January 1951) is a Swiss politician.
- Fulvio Francesconi
Fulvio Francesconi (born 19 November 1944) is a retired Italian professional footballer who played as a midfielder.
- Fulvio Bacchelli
Fulvio Bacchelli (born 22 January 1951 in Trieste) is a former Italian rally driver, who won Rally New Zealand in 1977, a round of the World Rally Championship.
- Fulvio Saini
Fulvio Luigi Saini (born 7 March 1962) was an Italian football midfielder.
- Fulvio Pea
Fulvio Pea (born 10 February 1967) is an Italian football coach.
- Fulvio Sulmoni
Fulvio Sulmoni (born 4 January 1986) is a Swiss Defender, who currently plays for FC Lugano.
- Fulvio Lucisano
Fulvio Lucisano (born 1 August 1928) is an Italian film producer.
- Fulvio Martusciello
Fulvio Martusciello (born 25 May 1968 in Naples) is an Italian politician, and a member of the European Parliament since 2014.
- Francesco Di Fulvio
Francesco Di Fulvio (born 15 August 1993) is a water polo player from Italy.
- Fulvio Dapit
Fulvio Dapit (born 13 September 1975) is an Italian male sky runner, who won four races of the Skyrunner World Series.
- Emilio Di Fulvio
- Fulvio Centoz
Fulvio Centoz (born 4 February 1975 in Aosta) is an Italian politician.
He is a member of the Democratic Party and he served as mayor in Rhêmes-Notre-Dame from 2010 to 2015.
- Fulvio Cimino
Fulvio Cimino (born 6 August 1968) is a retired Swiss football midfielder.
- Fulvio Simonini
Fulvio Simonini (born 29 March 1961) is a retired Italian football striker.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 4
Baby Name Fulvio Numerology: Name Fulvio has a number value of 4 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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