What does the name Frost mean? What is the meaning of the name Frost
Meaning of Frost: Name Frost in the English origin, means The person who is having pale color or dull color beard.. Name Frost is of English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Frost are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Frost (Namesakes)
- Wilfred Frost
Wilfred Frost (born 7 August 1985) is a financial news anchor for CNBC.
- Scott Frost
Scott Andrew Frost (born January 4, 1975) is an American football coach and former player.
- Sam Frost (actress)
Samantha Frost (born 4 April 1989) is an Australian actress, television and radio personality.
- Anna Frost
Anna Heather Frost (born 1 November 1981) is a trail runner and ultra runner from Dunedin, New Zealand.
- Frost (rapper)
Arturo Molina Jr. (born May 31, 1964), better known as Frost (originally Kid Frost), is an American rapper, songwriter and record producer.
- Sadie Frost
Sadie Liza Frost (born 19 June 1965) is an English actress, producer and fashion designer, who ran fashion label Frost French (until its closure in 2011) and a film production company (Blonde to Black Pictures).
- Jenny Frost
Jennifer "Jenny" Frost (born 22 February 1978) is an English former singer, television presenter and model.
- Martin Frost
Jonas Martin Frost III (born January 1, 1942) is an American politician, who was the Democratic representative to the U.S. House of Representatives for Texas's 24th congressional district from 1979 to 2005.
- Stephen Frost
Stephen Frederick Eustace Frost (born 28 December 1955) is an English actor and comedian.
- Nick Frost
Nicholas John Frost (born 28 March 1972) is an English actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer, and author.
- Jo Frost
Joanne Frost (born 27 June 1970 or 27 June 1971) (sources differ) is an English television personality, nanny and author.
- Alex Frost
Alexander Robert Frost (born February 17, 1987) is an American actor best known for his role in Elephant and Drillbit Taylor.
- Morten Frost
Morten Frost or Morten Frost Hansen (born 4 April 1958) is a former badminton player and later coach, who represented Denmark.
- Mark Frost
Mark Frost (born November 25, 1953) is an American novelist, screenwriter, film-and-television producer and director.
- Lindsay Frost
Lindsay Elisabeth Frost (born June 4, 1962) is an American actress and fine artist.
- Craig Frost
Craig Frost (born April 20, 1948 in Flint, Michigan) is the keyboardist for Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band.
- Jim True-Frost
Jim True-Frost (born July 31, 1966), born Jim True, is an American stage, television and screen actor.
- Lauren Frost
Lauren Frost (born May 25, 1985) is an American actress and singer who is best known for her recurring role as Ruby Mendel in the hit Disney Channel Original Series Even Stevens and the follow-up Disney Channel Original Movie The Even Stevens Movie.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Frost Numerology: Name Frost has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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