What does the name Frode mean? What is the meaning of the name Frode
Meaning of Frode: Name Frode in the Norse origin, means The one who is very clever in his mind.. Name Frode is of Norse origin and is a Boy name. People with name Frode are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Frode (Namesakes)
- Frode Kippe
Frode Kippe (born 17 January 1978) is a former Norwegian international footballer.
- Frode Johnsen
Frode Johnsen (born 17 March 1974) is a Norwegian former professional footballer who played for Odd and Rosenborg in the Tippeligaen and for Nagoya Grampus and Shimizu S-Pulse in Japan.
- Frode Estil
Frode Estil (born 31 May 1972 in Lierne, Nord-Trøndelag) is a retired Norwegian cross-country skier.
- Frode Grodås
Frode Grodås (born 24 October 1964) is a Norwegian football coach and former national team goalkeeper originally from Hornindal in Sogn og Fjordane.
- Frode Olsen
Frode Olsen (born 12 October 1967) is a retired football goalkeeper with international caps for Norway.
- Frode Haltli
Frode Haltli (born 15 May 1975 in Levanger), is a Norwegian accordion player.
- Frode Rønning
Frode Rønning (born 7 July 1959) is a former speed skater and coach from Norway.
- Frode Håre
Frode Håre (born 10 December 1972) is a retired Norwegian ski jumper.
- Cecilia Frode
Pia Ingela Cecilia Frode is a Swedish actress born on 14 August 1970 in Linköping.
- Frode Fjellheim
Frode Fjellheim (born 27 August 1959 in Mussere) is a Norwegian yoiker and musician (piano and synthesizer).
- Frode Kyvåg
Frode Kyvåg (born 8 September 1945) is a Norwegian team handball coach and sports official.
- Frode Hagen
Frode Hagen (born July 23, 1974 in Drammen) is a retired Norwegian handball player.
- Frode Berg
Frode Berg (born 24 October 1971) is a Norwegian bassist, known from the scenes of classical and contemporary music, jazz, pop and rock.
- Frode Gjerstad
Frode Gjerstad (born 24 March 1948) is a Norwegian jazz musician with alto saxophone as principal instrument, but he also plays other saxophones, clarinet, and flute.
- Frode Kjekstad
Frode Kjekstad (born 23 November 1974 in Lier, Norway) is a Norwegian jazz guitarist, married to jazz singer Aina Fridén, and known from collaboration and recordings with jazz musicians Lonnie Smith, Eric Alexander, Mike LeDonne, Joe Farnsworth, Byron Landham, Alberto Marsico,Frank Foster, Johnny Griffin, Don Menza, Jim Morrison, Mark Nightingale, Claire Martin, Deborah Brown, and Wendell Brunious.
He has performed at clubs like Ronnie Scott´s in London and Smoke in New York.
- Frode Lafton
Frode Lafton (born 3 March 1976) is a Norwegian former footballer who played as a defender for Hønefoss throughout his career.
- Frode Barth
- Frode Scheie
Frode Scheie (born 19 March 1967) is a Norwegian handball coach and former player.
- Frode Thomassen
Frode Thomassen (born 20 April 1967) is a retired Norwegian football midfielder.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Frode Numerology: Name Frode has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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