What does the name Freyr mean? What is the meaning of the name Freyr?
Meaning of Freyr: Name Freyr in the Norway, Norse origin, means Norse God of weather.. Name Freyr is of Norway, Norse origin and is a Boy name. People with name Freyr are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Freyr (Namesakes)
- Haraldur Freyr Guðmundsson
Haraldur Freyr Guðmundsson (born 14 December 1981) is an Icelandic retired professional footballer who played as a defender.
- Arnar Freyr Jónsson
Arnar Freyr Jónsson (born June 25, 1983 in Reykjavík) is an Icelandic basketball player and a former member of the Icelandic national basketball team.
- Ari Freyr Skúlason
Ari Freyr Skúlason (born 14 May 1987) is an Icelandic international footballer who plays for KV Oostende in Belgium.
- Steinþór Freyr Þorsteinsson
Steinþór Freyr Þorsteinsson (born 29 July 1985) is an Icelandic footballer who currently plays for KA in the Úrvalsdeild.
- Elfar Freyr Helgason
Elfar Freyr Helgason (born 27 July 1989) is an Icelandic professional footballer who plays for Breiðablik in the Icelandic Premier League as a central defender.
- Rúnar Freyr Gíslason
Rúnar Freyr Gíslason (born April 29, 1973 in Iceland) is an Icelandic actor and voice actor.
- Freyr Alexandersson
Freyr Alexandersson (born 18 November 1982) is an Icelandic football coach and former player.
- Kristinn Freyr Sigurðsson
Kristinn Freyr Sigurðsson (born 25 December 1991) is an Icelandic football attacking midfielder, who plays for Valur.
- Arnar Freyr Arnarsson
Arnar Freyr Arnarsson (born 14 March 1996) is an Icelandic handball player who plays for GOG Håndbold and the Icelandic national team.
He participated at the 2017 and 2019 World Men's Handball Championships.
- Finnur Freyr Stefánsson
Finnur Freyr Stefánsson (born 29 October 1983) is an Icelandic professional basketball coach who is currently the head coach of Basketligaen club Horsens IC. With KR, he won the Icelandic championship five years in a row and the Icelandic Men's Basketball Cup ind 2016 and 2017.
- Freyr Gauti Sigmundsson
Freyr Gauti Sigmundsson (born 17 January 1972) is an Icelandic judoka.
- Darri Freyr Atlason
Darri Freyr Atlason is an Icelandic professional basketball coach.
- Daði Freyr Pétursson
Daði Freyr Pétursson (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈtaːðɪ frɛiːr ˈpʰjɛːtʏrsɔn], born 30 June 1992 in Reykjavík), known professionally as Daði Freyr or by the mononym Daði, is an Icelandic musician living in Berlin, Germany.
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Freyr Numerology: Name Freyr has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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