What does the name Frederick mean? What is the meaning of the name Frederick?
Meaning of Frederick: Name Frederick in the German origin, means English form of German name 'Friedrich', it means a peaceful ruler. Name Frederick is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Frederick are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Frederick: English form of German name 'Friedrich', it means a peaceful ruler
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Famous people with name Frederick (Namesakes)
- Frederick Buechner
Carl Frederick Buechner ( BEEK-nər; born July 11, 1926) is an American writer, novelist, poet, autobiographer, essayist, preacher, and theologian.
- Frederick Forsyth
Frederick McCarthy Forsyth, (born 25 August 1938) is an English author, journalist, former spy, and occasional political commentator.
- Lord Frederick Windsor
Lord Frederick Michael George David Louis Windsor (born 6 April 1979) is a British financial analyst, and the only son of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent.
- Frederick D. Gregory
Frederick Drew Gregory (born January 7, 1941) is a former United States Air Force pilot, military engineer, test pilot, and NASA astronaut as well as former NASA Deputy Administrator.
- Frederick W. Smith
Frederick Wallace Smith (born August 11, 1944) is the founder, chairman, president, and CEO of FedEx.
- Frederick Ma
Frederick Ma Si-hang is the chairman of the MTR Corporation.
- Frederick Wiseman
Frederick Wiseman (born January 1, 1930) is an American filmmaker, documentarian, and theater director.
- Frederick Crews
Frederick Campbell Crews (born 20 February 1933) is an American essayist and literary critic.
- Frederick Koehler
Frederick Koehler (born June 16, 1975) is an American actor best known for his role as Chip Lowell on Kate & Allie as well as Andrew Schillinger on the HBO drama Oz.
- Frederick Pyne
Frederick Pyne (born London 30 December 1936) is an English actor best known for his role as original character Matt Skilbeck on the ITV soap Emmerdale Farm from 1972 to 1989.
- Frederick Vreeland
Frederick Dalziel Vreeland (born June 24, 1927) is an American diplomat and writer.
- Frederick Knight (singer)
Frederick Knight (born August 15, 1944, Birmingham, Alabama) is an American R&B singer, songwriter and record producer.
- Kevin Frederick
Kevin Albert Francis Frederick (born November 4, 1976) is an American former professional baseball player.
- Frederick Lau
Frederick Lau (born 17 August 1989 in Steglitz, Berlin, Germany) is a German actor.
- Kurt Frederick
Kurt Frederick (born 27 April 1991) is an international soccer player from Saint Lucia, who plays as a left back for the St.
- Terrence Frederick
Terrence Frederick (born February 10, 1990) is a Canadian football cornerback.
- Travis Frederick
Travis Frederick (born March 18, 1991) is a former American football center who played his entire seven-year career for the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League.
- Frederick Roy
Frederick Piuze-Roy (born February 26, 1991) is a Canadian ice hockey player.
- Frederick Carrick
Frederick Robert "Ted" Carrick (born February 26, 1952) is a senior research fellow at the Bedfordshire Centre for Mental Health Research in association with the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. Carrick is the founder of Carrick Institute for Graduate Studies in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
- Frederick Wehba
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Frederick Numerology: Name Frederick has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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