What does the name Frazer mean? What is the meaning of the name Frazer
Meaning of Frazer: Name Frazer in the Old French origin, means Derived from French word 'Fraise' meaning strawberries. Name Frazer is of Old French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Frazer are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Frazer: Derived from French word 'Fraise' meaning strawberries
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Famous people with name Frazer (Namesakes)
- Frazer Hines
Frazer Hines (born 22 September 1944) is an English actor.
- Victor O. Frazer
Victor O. Frazer (born May 24, 1943) was the 3rd elected Delegate from the United States Virgin Islands to the United States House of Representatives.
- Frazer Richardson
Frazer Richardson (born 29 October 1982) is an English former professional footballer.
- Ian Frazer
Ian Hector Frazer (born 6 January 1953) is a Scottish-born Australian immunologist, the founding CEO and Director of Research of the Translational Research Institute (Australia).
- Frazer Smith
- Paula Frazer
Paula Frazer is an American singer-songwriter.
- Frazer Wright
Frazer Wright (born 23 December 1979) is a Scottish former professional footballer who played as a centre-back.
- Alfonso Frazer
Alfonso Gerald Frazer (born January 4, 1948) is a former Panamanian boxer who held the Lineal and WBA Light welterweight titles.
- Ian Frazer (cricketer)
Ian Douglas Frazer (born 7 September 1966) is an Australian cricket coach, sports scientist and biomechanist, and a former first-class cricketer.
- Frazer Will
Frazer Will (born May 10, 1982 in Star City, Saskatchewan) is a Canadian judoka from Montreal, Quebec, who won gold medals at the 2006 and 2007 Pan American Judo Championships, the 2007 Chinese Open and four national championships in the lightweight (60 kg) division.
- Phillip Frazer
Phillip Frazer (born 1 May 1946, in Melbourne, Australia) is a writer, editor and publisher.
- Zach Frazer
Zachary David Frazer (born February 23, 1988) is a former American football quarterback.
- Ben Frazer
Benjamin James Frazer (born 2 April 1981) is an English cricketer.
- Lucy Frazer
Lucy Frazer (born 17 May 1972) is a British Conservative politician and barrister, who has been Member of Parliament (MP) for South East Cambridgeshire since the 2015 general election.
- Frazer Shaw
Frazer Dean Shaw (born 23 December 1994) is an English professional footballer who plays for Chelmsford City, as a defender.
- Kim Frazer
Kim Frazer (born 16 April 1959, in Melbourne) is an Australian sport shooter.
- Rolando Frazer
Rolando Frazer Thorne (born July 3, 1958 in Panama City, Panama) is a former Panamanian professional basketball player.
- Frazer Clarke
Frazer Clarke (born 7 August 1991 in Burton upon Trent) is a British boxer who is affiliated with Burton ABC.
In December 2015, he won the super heavyweight division at the Rio 2016 test event.
In 2016, he was ultimately overlooked for Olympic qualification in favour of fellow super heavyweight boxer Joe Joyce (who went on to claim the silver medal in Rio 2016); however, he did make the British Lionhearts squad for their maiden WSB final against the Cuba Domadores and won his match against Lenier Pero, thereby denying the Domadores what would have otherwise been a 10–0 whitewash.
In 2017, he contested the European Championships and finished with a silver medal despite tearing his hamstring en route to the final.
- Frazer Blake-Tracy
Frazer John Blake-Tracy (born 10 September 1995) is an English professional footballer who plays as a left back for EFL League One club Peterborough United.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 11
Baby Name Frazer Numerology: Name Frazer has a number value of 11 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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