What does the name Franziska mean? What is the meaning of the name Franziska
Meaning of Franziska: Name Franziska in the German origin, means German feminine form of 'Franciscus' which translates to a Frenchwoman who is free. Name Franziska is of German origin and is a Girl name. People with name Franziska are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Franziska: German feminine form of 'Franciscus' which translates to a Frenchwoman who is free
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Famous people with name Franziska (Namesakes)
- Franziska Petri
Franziska Petri (born 17 August 1973, in Leipzig) is a German actress.
- Franziska van Almsick
Franziska van Almsick (born 5 April 1978 in Berlin, East Berlin) is a German swimmer.
- Franziska Weisz
Franziska Weisz (also credited as Franziska Weiss or Weiß; born 4 May 1980 in Vienna) is an Austrian actress.
- Franziska Hildebrand
Franziska Hildebrand (born 24 March 1987) is a German biathlete.
- Franziska Kaufmann
Franziska Kaufmann (born November 3, 1987) is a Swiss curler from Grindelwald.
- Franziska Fritz
Franziska Fritz (born January 3, 1991 in Hildburghausen) is a German bobsledder.
Fritz competed at the 2014 Winter Olympics for Germany.
- Franziska Knuppe
Franziska Knuppe (born 7 December 1974 in Rostock) is a German model and an actress.
- Franziska Fischer
Franziska Fischer (born 2 August 1968 in Göttingen, Germany) is a German journalist, TV presenter and author.
- Franziska Hentke
Franziska Hentke (born 4 June 1989) is a German butterfly swimmer.
- Franziska Liebhardt
Franziska Liebhardt (born 5 January 1982) is a Paralympic athlete from Germany.
- Franziska Heinz
Franziska Heinz (born 21 November 1972) is a former East German and German female handball player.
- Franziska Walser
Franziska Walser (born 23 March 1950) is a German actress.
- Franziska Brauße
Franziska Brauße (born 20 November 1998) is a German professional road and track cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Women's Continental Team Ceratizit–WNT Pro Cycling.
- Franziska Giffey
Franziska Giffey (née Süllke, born 3 May 1978 in Frankfurt (Oder)) is a German politician of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) who has been serving as Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel since 2018.
- Franziska Peer
Franziska Peer (born 6 May 1987) is an Austrian sport shooter.
- Franziska Hofmann
Franziska Hofmann (born 27 March 1994) is a German athlete specialising in the sprint hurdles.
- Franziska Gritsch
Franziska Gritsch (born 15 March 1997) is an Austrian World Cup alpine ski racer.
- Patrick Franziska
Patrick Franziska (born 11 June 1992) is a German table tennis player.
- Franziska Reindl
Franziska Reindl (born 16 September 1982) is a German ice hockey player.
- Franziska Bröckl
Franziska Bröckl (born 13 June 1994) is a German footballer who plays as a defender.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Franziska Numerology: Name Franziska has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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