What does the name Franck mean? What is the meaning of the name Franck?
Meaning of Franck: Name Franck in the German origin, means Derived from the German word 'Frank', it refers to a Frank or a Frenchman. Name Franck is of German origin and is a Boy name. People with name Franck are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Franck: Derived from the German word 'Frank', it refers to a Frank or a Frenchman
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Famous people with name Franck (Namesakes)
- Julia Franck
Julia Franck (born 20 February 1970, in East Berlin) is a German writer.
- Franck de Lapersonne
Franck Lapersonne (a.k.a.
- Franck Queudrue
Franck Queudrue (born 27 August 1978) is a French former footballer who played as a left back.
- Franck Sauzée
Franck Gaston Henri Sauzée (born 28 October 1965) is a former French international footballer and manager.
- Franck Ribéry
Franck Henry Pierre Ribéry (French pronunciation: [fʁɑ̃k ʁibeʁi]; born 7 April 1983) is a French professional footballer who plays for Serie A club Fiorentina.
- Franck Moussa
Franck Nyinzapa Moussa (born 24 July 1989) is a Belgian professional footballer who last played for EFL League One side Gillingham.
- Katharina Franck
Katharina Franck (born July 28, 1963) is a German singer, songwriter, and musician.
- Franck Riboud
Franck Riboud (born 7 November 1955) is a French businessman.
- Franck Tabanou
Franck Pascal Paul Tabanou (born 30 January 1989) is a French professional footballer who last played for Guingamp as a left-back.
- Franck Essomba
- Franck Ohandza
Franck Ohandza Zoa (born 28 September 1991) is a Cameroonian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Chinese Super League side Henan Jianye.
- Franck Khalfoun
Franck Ange Khalfoun (born 9 March 1968 in Paris, Île-de-France, France) is a French film director and screenwriter, known for directing P2, Wrong Turn at Tahoe, Maniac, and the Amityville franchise entry Amityville: The Awakening.
- Franck Kessié
Franck Yannick Kessié (born 19 December 1996) is an Ivorian professional footballer who plays as a central midfielder for Italian club Milan and the Ivory Coast national team.
- Franck Dubosc
Franck Dubosc (French pronunciation: [fʁɑ̃k dybɔsk]; born 7 November 1963 in Le Petit-Quevilly) is a French actor, comedian and stand-up artist.
Dubosc occupies 94th place in the list of the most profitable actors of French cinema.
- Franck Héry
Franck Héry (26 April 1993) is a French footballer who plays as a defender for Les Herbiers VF.
- Franck Gastambide
Franck Gastambide (French pronunciation: [fʁɑ̃k ɡastɑ̃bid]; born 31 October 1978) is a French actor, film director, screenwriter and producer.
- Franck Kanouté
Elimane Franck Kanouté, known as Franck Kanouté (born 13 December 1998) is a Senegalese football player.
- Franck Evina
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Franck Numerology: Name Franck has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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