What does the name Francisco mean? What is the meaning of the name Francisco?
Meaning of Francisco: Name Francisco in the Latin, Portuguese, Spanish origin, means A variant of Latin name 'Franciscus' it refers to a Frenchman or a free man. Name Francisco is of Latin, Portuguese, Spanish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Francisco are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Francisco: A variant of Latin name 'Franciscus' it refers to a Frenchman or a free man
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Famous people with name Francisco (Namesakes)
- Francisco Gento
Francisco Gento López (born 21 October 1933) is a former Spanish football player, who played as a left winger.
- Silvino Francisco
Silvino Francisco (born 3 May 1946) is a retired South African professional snooker player, most notable for winning the 1985 British Open.
- Francisco Fonseca
José Francisco "Kikin" Fonseca Guzmán (born 2 October 1979) is a former Mexican footballer who played as a striker.
- Francisco Louçã
Francisco Anacleto Louçã (Portuguese pronunciation: [fɾɐ̃ˈsiʃku loˈsɐ̃]; born 12 November 1956 in Lisbon) is a Portuguese economist and politician
- Francisco Arce
Francisco Javier "Chiqui" Arce Rolón (American Spanish: [fɾanˈsisko xaˈβjeɾ ˈtʃiki ˈaɾse roˈlon]; born 2 April 1971) is a retired Paraguayan footballer and coach.
- Francisco Palencia
Juan Francisco Palencia Hernández (born 28 April 1973, in Mexico City) is a Mexican former football striker, his last club was UNAM.
- Francisco Elson
Francisco Marinho Robby Elson (born February 28, 1976 in Rotterdam) is a Dutch retired professional basketball player.
- Francisco Gattorno
Francisco Alejandro Gattorno Sánchez (Spanish pronunciation: [fɾanˈsisko ɣaˈtoɾno]; born October 12, 1964), better known in the show business world plainly as Francisco Gattorno, is a Cuban-Mexican actor.
- Francisco Maturana
Francisco Antonio Maturana García, also known as Pacho Maturana (born February 15, 1949) is a Colombian ex-football player and football manager.
- Francisco Sá
Francisco Pedro Manuel Sá (born 25 October 1945, in Las Lomitas, Formosa) is a retired Argentine football defender.
- Francisco Ferreras
Francisco Rodriguez, better known as Francisco 'Pipin' Ferreras (born January 18, 1962) is a Cuban free-diver known for his achievements in deep free diving and his relationship with his wife, Audrey Mestre.
- Francisco Guterres
Francisco Guterres, popularly known as Lú-Olo (born 7 September 1954), is an East Timorese politician who has been President of East Timor since 2017.
- Francisco Duque
Francisco Tiongson Duque III (born February 13, 1957) is a Filipino physician and government official currently serving as the Secretary of Health since 2017 in the Cabinet of President Rodrigo Duterte.
- Jason Francisco
Jason Veron Francisco (born October 11, 1987) is a Filipino actor and comedian.
- Francisco Acuña
Francisco Javier Acuña Víctor (born 19 January 1988) is a Mexican professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for Canadian club Atlético Ottawa.
- Francisco Escobar
Francisco Javier Escobar (June 21, 1991) is a Colombian model and the winner of the Mister World 2012 title which was held in Kent, England on November 24, 2012.
- Pablo Francisco
Pablo Ridson Francisco (born January 4, 1974) is an American comedian, actor and writer.
- Francisco Trincão
Francisco António Machado Mota Castro Trincão (born 29 December 1999) is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a forward for S.C. Braga.
- Francisco Paesa
Francisco Paesa (born in Madrid, Spain, 11 April 1936) is a Spanish former spy and businessman best known for his implication in several corruption scandals and the faking of his own death in the 1990s.
- Noel Francisco
Noel John Francisco (born August 21, 1969) is an American attorney and the current Solicitor General of the United States in the Donald Trump administration.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Francisco Numerology: Name Francisco has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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