What does the name Frances mean? What is the meaning of the name Frances?
Meaning of Frances: Name Frances in the Latin origin, means A feminine replacement for 'Franceis' which refers to a French person or a free person. Name Frances is of Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Frances are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Frances (Namesakes)
- Frances McDormand
Frances Louise McDormand (born Cynthia Ann Smith, June 23, 1957) is an American actress.
- Frances Bean Cobain
Frances Bean Cobain (born August 18, 1992) is an American visual artist and model.
- Frances Fisher
Frances Louise Fisher (born 11 May 1952) is an English-born American actress.
- Frances Conroy
Frances Hardman Conroy (born November 13, 1953) is an American actress.
- Frances Ruffelle
Frances Ruffelle (29 August 1965) is an English musical theatre actress and recording artist.
- Frances Sternhagen
Frances Hussey Sternhagen (born January 13, 1930) is an American actress.
- Frances White
Frances White (born 1 November 1938, Leeds) is an English actress, perhaps best known for her roles as Kate Hamilton in Crossroads and as Miss Flood in the BBC sitcom May to December.
- Frances Barber
Frances Barber (born Frances Brookes, 13 May 1958) is an English actress.
- Frances Mayes
Frances Mayes is an American university professor, poet, memoirist, essayist, and novelist.
- Myra Frances
Myra Frances (born 10 March 1943) is a British actress.
- Frances Ondiviela
Francisca Ondiviela Otero (born May 19, 1961) better known as Frances Ondiviela is a Spanish-Mexican actress.
- Frances Callier
Eleanor Frances Callier (born May 17, 1969), better known as Frances Callier, is an American actress, producer, writer and comedian.
- Frances Tomelty
Frances Tomelty (born 6 October 1948) is an actress from Northern Ireland.
- Frances Osborne
Frances Victoria Osborne (née Howell; born 18 February 1969) is an English author.
- Vera Frances
Vera Frances (born 1930) is a British actress who worked with Arthur Askey, Tommy Handley, George Formby, Dinah Sheridan, John Mills and Alastair Sim, amongst others.
- Frances Arnold
Frances Hamilton Arnold (born July 25, 1956) is an American chemical engineer and Nobel Laureate.
- Dovi Frances
Dovi Frances (Hebrew; דובי פרנסס) is an Israeli-American businessman and venture capitalist.
- Frances Hesselbein
- Frances (musician)
Sophie Frances Cooke (born 27 June 1993), known mononymously as Frances, is a British singer and songwriter from Newbury, Berkshire, England.
- Frances Quinlan
Christine Frances Quinlan (born 1986) is an American singer, songwriter, guitarist, and painter best known for leading the indie band Hop Along.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Frances Numerology: Name Frances has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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