What does the name Franc mean? What is the meaning of the name Franc
Meaning of Franc: Name Franc in the Latin, Slavic origin, means Refers to a Frenchman; independent and noble. Name Franc is of Latin, Slavic origin and is a Boy name. People with name Franc are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Franc: Refers to a Frenchman; independent and noble
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Famous people with name Franc (Namesakes)
- Franc Očko
Franc Očko (born 31 March 1960) is a Slovenian judoka.
- Franc Podlesek
Franc Podlesek (born 13 July 1952) is a Slovenian wrestler.
- Franc Rode
Franc Rode (or Rodé; born 23 September 1934) is a Slovenian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
- Franc Roddam
Francis George "Franc" Roddam (born 29 April 1946) is an English film director, businessman, screenwriter, television producer and publisher.
- Franc Cifer
Franc "Feri" Cifer (born 16 February 1971) is a retired Slovenian football defender.
- Franc Veliu
Franc Veliu (born 11 November 1988 in Vlorë) is an Albanian professional footballer who plays mainly as a defender for Kosovan club Gjilani and the Albania national team.
- Josef Franc
Josef Franc (born 18 January 1979, in Čáslav, Czech Republic) is an international motorcycle racer and competes in Grasstrack, Longtrack and Speedway
He has appeared as a track reserve in the 2007 Czech Republic Speedway Grand Prix, scoring three points from two rides and has represented the Czech Republic national speedway team at senior level.
- Livvi Franc
Olivia Charlotte Waithe (born 31 May 1988), better known by her stage name Livvi Franc, is a British Barbadian singer-songwriter.
- Michal Franc
Michal Franc (born 2 November 1967) is a Czech fencer.
- Franc Fridl
Franc Fridl (born 22 July 1972) is a retired Slovenian football midfielder.
- Franc Škerlj
Franc Škerlj (born 6 May 1941) is a former Yugoslav cyclist.
- Franc Weerwind
Franciscus Max "Franc" Weerwind (born 22 September 1964) is a Dutch politician of the Democrats 66 (D66).
- Franc Hafner
Franc Hafner (born 9 February 1936) is a Yugoslav middle-distance runner.
- Franc-Rado Razinger
Franc-Rado Razinger (born 3 December 1944) is a Slovenian ice hockey player.
- Franc Bogovič
- Franc Peternel
Franc Peternel (born 9 November 1932) is a Slovenian sports shooter.
- Adithiya
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Franc Numerology: Name Franc has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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