What does the name Ford mean? What is the meaning of the name Ford
Meaning of Ford: Name Ford in the Old English, English origin, means A causeway along a river or stream. Name Ford is of Old English, English origin and is a Boy name. People with name Ford are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Ford (Namesakes)
- Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford (born July 13, 1942) is an American actor, aviator, and environmental activist.
- Tom Ford
Thomas Carlyle Ford (born August 27, 1961) is an American fashion designer and filmmaker.
- Lita Ford
Lita Rossana Ford (born 19 September 1958) is an English-born, American heavy metal guitarist, actress, vocalist and songwriter who was the lead guitarist for the Runaways in the late 1970s before embarking on a successful solo career in the 1980s.
- Faith Ford
Faith Alexis Ford (born September 14, 1964) is an American actress.
- Whitey Ford
Edward Charles "Whitey" Ford (born October 21, 1928), nicknamed "The Chairman of the Board", is an American former professional baseball pitcher who played his entire 16-year Major League Baseball (MLB) career with the New York Yankees.
- Willa Ford
Amanda Lee Williford (born January 22, 1981), known by her stage name Willa Ford, is an American singer, songwriter, dancer, model, television personality and film actress.
- Melyssa Ford
Melyssa Savannah Ford (born November 7, 1976) is a Canadian media personality, actress, and former video vixen.
- Kate Ford
Kate Ford (born 29 December 1976) is an English actress known for playing Tracy Barlow in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street between 2002 and 2007, and from 2010 onwards.
- Ford Kiernan
Ford John Kiernan (born 10 January 1962) is a Scottish comedian, actor and writer.
- Rosemarie Ford
Rosemarie Ford (born Rosemarie Poundford; 5 March 1962) is an English actress, dancer and television presenter.
- Sherell Ford
Sherell Ford (born August 26, 1972) is an American retired professional basketball player born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- Susan Ford
Susan Elizabeth Ford Bales (born July 6, 1957), an American author, photojournalist, and former chair of the board of the Betty Ford Center for alcohol and drug abuse, is the daughter of Gerald Ford, the 38th President of the United States.
- Steven Ford
Steven Meigs Ford (born May 19, 1956) is an American actor, and son of former U.S. President Gerald Ford and former First Lady Betty Ford.
- Courtney Ford
Courtney Braden Ford (born June 27, 1978) is an American actress.
- Clementine Ford
Clementine Shepherd Ford (born June 29, 1979) is an American actress and known for her appearance as Molly Kroll on Showtime's The L Word.
- Luke Ford
Luke Ford (born 26 March 1981) is a Canadian-Australian actor.
- Colt Ford
Jason Farris Brown (born August 27, 1969) known professionally as Colt Ford, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and former professional golfer best known for his music fusing country and hip hop, which has been categorized as "country rap".
- Colin Ford
Colin Ford (born September 12, 1996) is an American actor and voice actor.
- Doug Ford
Douglas Robert Ford (listen) (born November 20, 1964) is a Canadian businessman and politician serving as the 26th premier of Ontario since June 29, 2018.
- Penelope Ford
Olivia Hasler (born September 14, 1992) is an American professional wrestler, better known by her ring name Penelope Ford, currently signed with All Elite Wrestling.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Ford Numerology: Name Ford has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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