What does the name Fontaine mean? What is the meaning of the name Fontaine
Meaning of Fontaine: Name Fontaine in the French origin, means It represents a fountain or jetspring. Name Fontaine is of French origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fontaine are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Fontaine: It represents a fountain or jetspring
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Famous people with name Fontaine (Namesakes)
- Brigitte Fontaine
Brigitte Fontaine, (born June 24, 1939) is a singer of avant-garde music.
- Just Fontaine
Just Louis Fontaine (pronounced [ʒyst fɔ̃.tɛn]; born 18 August 1933) is a French retired professional footballer.
- Phil Fontaine
Larry Phillip "Phil" Fontaine, (born September 20, 1944) is an Aboriginal Canadian leader.
- Liam Fontaine
Liam Vaughan Henry Fontaine (born 7 January 1986) is an English footballer, who plays for Ross County as a defender.
- Anne Fontaine
Anne Fontaine (born Anne-Fontaine Sibertin-Blanc; 15 July 1959) is a Luxembourger film director, screenwriter, and former actress.
- Agathe de La Fontaine
Agathe de La Fontaine (born 27 March 1972) is a French actress.
- Raymond Fontaine
Raymond Fontaine is a former professional Canadian football linebacker.
- Isaac Fontaine
Isaac Henry Sedric Fontaine IV (born April 16, 1975) is an American former professional basketball player.
- Seb Fontaine
Seb Fontaine (born Jean Sebastian Fontaine, 14 July 1970) is an English electronic music producer & DJ.
- Matthieu Fontaine
Matthieu Fontaine (born 9 April 1987) is a French professional footballer who plays for Red Star as a defender.
- Justin Fontaine
Justin Carl Fontaine (born November 6, 1987) is a Canadian professional ice hockey player who is currently an unrestricted free agent.
- Thomas Fontaine
Thomas Fontaine (born 8 May 1991) is a professional footballer who plays as a defender for French Ligue 2 club FC Lorient.
- Fontaine Chapman
Fontaine Mica Chapman (born 2 January 1990) is a badminton player from England.
- Michel Fontaine (French politician)
Michel Fontaine (born 6 May 1952 in Romans-sur-Isère, France) is a member of the Senate of France.
- Anne Fontaine (designer)
Anne Fontaine (born 1 November 1971) is a Paris-based fashion designer of ready-to-wear for women, businesswoman and ecologist.
- Pardison Fontaine
Jordan Kyle Lanier Thorpe (born December 29, 1989), better known as Pardison Fontaine, is an American rapper and songwriter originally from Newburgh NY. He is best known for his 2018 single "Backin' It Up" featuring Cardi B, which peaked at number 40 on the US Billboard Hot 100.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 3
Baby Name Fontaine Numerology: Name Fontaine has a number value of 3 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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