What does the name Floris mean? What is the meaning of the name Floris
Meaning of Floris: Name Floris in the Latin, Dutch origin, means A form of Latin word 'Florus', it means 'flowers' or 'blooms'. Name Floris is of Latin, Dutch origin and is a Boy name. People with name Floris are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Floris: A form of Latin word 'Florus', it means 'flowers' or 'blooms'
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Famous people with name Floris (Namesakes)
- Prince Floris of Orange-Nassau, van Vollenhoven
- Floris Evers
Floris Maarten Alphons Maria Evers (born 26 February 1983 in Tilburg, Noord-Brabant) is a field hockey player from the Netherlands, who won the silver medal with the Dutch national team at the 2004 Summer Olympics and at the 2012 Summer Olympics.
- Floris Jansen
Floris Jansen (born 10 June 1962) is a former Dutch cricketer.
- Emilio Floris
Emilio Floris (born September 15, 1944) is an Italian politician.
- Floris Diergaardt
Floris Diergaardt (born 23 September 1980 in Windhoek) is a Namibian football striker currently playing for FC Civics.
- Sandro Floris
Sandro Floris (born 12 June 1965 in Cagliari) is a retired Italian sprinter who specialized in the 200 metres who won eleven medals at the International athletics competitions, ten of these with national relays team.
- Anna Floris
Anna Floris (born 15th May 1982) is a retired tennis player from Italy.
- Roberto Floris
Roberto Ezequiel Floris (5 January 1986 in Santa Rosa, La Pampa) is an Argentine footballer.
- Floris Isola
Floris Isola (born 31 October 1991) is a French footballer who plays for Sète 34 as a defensive midfielder.
- Floris van den Berg
Floris van den Berg (born 4 February 1973) is a Dutch philosopher, mostly known for his atheism campaign in the Netherlands.
- Floris De Tier
Floris De Tier (born 20 January 1992) is a Belgian professional racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI ProTeam Alpecin–Fenix.
- Floris Gerts
Floris Gerts (born 3 May 1992 in Maastricht) is a Dutch cyclist, who currently rides for Dutch amateur team Mooi Jong–HSK Trias.
- Floris Goesinnen
Floris Goesinnen (born October 30, 1983 in Opperdoes) is a Dutch former professional road cyclist.
- Floris van der Linden
Floris van der Linden (born 10 April 1996) is a Dutch football player who plays for Koninklijke HFC in the Dutch Tweede Divisie.
- Floris Visser
Floris Visser (born 1983) is a Dutch opera director and arts administrator.
- Floris Versteeg
Floris Versteeg (born 22 October 1994) is a Dutch basketball player for Dutch Windmills of the Dutch Basketball League (DBL).
- Floris Schaap
Floris Schaap (born 3 April 1965) is a Dutch former footballer and manager.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Floris Numerology: Name Floris has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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