What does the name Florencia mean? What is the meaning of the name Florencia
Meaning of Florencia: Name Florencia in the Spanish origin, means A modification of the word 'florence' meaning to undergo blooming. Name Florencia is of Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Florencia are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Florencia: A modification of the word 'florence' meaning to undergo blooming
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Famous people with name Florencia (Namesakes)
- Florencia De La V
Florencia Trinidad (born 2 March 1975), better known by her stage name Flor de la V, is an Argentine actress, television personality, comedian and vedette.
- Florencia Bertotti
María Florencia Bertotti (born 15 March 1983), better known as Florencia Bertotti is an Argentine actress.
- Florencia Lozano
Florencia Lozano (born December 16, 1969) is an American actress.
- Florencia Peña
María Florencia Peña (November 7, 1974), better known as Florencia Peña is an Argentine Actress.
- Florencia Szigeti
Florencia Szigeti (born July 8, 1981) is a female freestyle swimmer from Argentina.
- Florencia Quiñones
María Florencia Quiñones (born 26 August 1986) is an Argentine footballer and futsal player midfielder, currently playing for Boca Juniors in the Argentine league.
- Florencia Habif
Florencia Martina Habif (born 22 August 1993) is an Argentine field hockey player.
- Florencia Mutio
María Florencia Mutio (born 20 November 1984) is an Argentine field hockey player.
- Florencia del Saracho
Florencia de Saracho (Spanish pronunciation: [floˈɾensja ðe saˈɾatʃo]; Hermosillo, Sonora, December 4, 1981) is a Mexican actress.
- Florencia Cerutti
Florencia Cerutti Bogado (born September 12, 1982) is a Laser Radial sailor from Paraguay, who made an official debut for her sporting discipline at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.
- Florencia Labat
María Florencia Labat (born 12 June 1971) is a former professional female tennis player from Argentina.
- Florencia Bonsegundo
María Florencia “Flor” Bonsegundo (born 14 July 1993), known as Florencia Bonsegundo, is an Argentine footballer who plays as a midfielder for Spanish Primera División club Valencia CF and the Argentina women's national team.
- Florencia Mandrile
Florencia Mandrile (born 1988) was a female Argentine football midfielder.
- Florencia Hunt
Florencia Hunt (born 14 May 1978) is a Dutch Antillean middle-distance runner.
- Florencia Cianfagna
María Florencia Cianfagna (born 30 January 1974), known as Florencia Cianfagna, is an Argentine former professional tennis player.
Cianfagna played on the professional tour in the 1990s, reaching best rankings of 365 in singles and 162 in doubles.
- Florencia Gutiérrez
Florencia Gutiérrez (born 21 November 1970) is an Argentine former windsurfer, who specialized in the RS:X class.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 2
Baby Name Florencia Numerology: Name Florencia has a number value of 2 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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