What does the name Flint mean? What is the meaning of the name Flint?
Meaning of Flint: Name Flint in the Old English, English origin, means A hard stone which produces sparks on rubbing, to make fire; a stream. Name Flint is of Old English, English origin and is a Girl name. People with name Flint are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Flint: A hard stone which produces sparks on rubbing, to make fire; a stream
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Famous people with name Flint (Namesakes)
- Eric Flint
Eric Flint (born February 6, 1947) is an American author, editor, and e-publisher.
- Caroline Flint
Caroline Louise Flint (born 20 September 1961) is a British Labour Party politician who served as Member of Parliament (MP) for Don Valley from 1997 to 2019.
- Bruiser Flint
James "Bruiser" Flint (born July 23, 1965) is an American men's college basketball coach, currently an assistant coach at Indiana.
- Berni Flint
Bernard "Berni" Flint (born 26 May 1952, Southport, Lancashire, England) is a singer and songwriter who holds the record for the longest continuous run of wins on the ITV talent show, Opportunity Knocks.
- Jill Flint
Jill Flint (born November 25, 1977) is an American television and film actress, best known for her role of Jill Casey in the USA Network TV series Royal Pains, and as the popular character Lana Delaney on CBS' award-winning series The Good Wife.
- Darren Flint
Darren Peter John Flint (born 14 June 1970 in Basingstoke, Hampshire) is a retired English cricketer.
- Nicole Flint
- Douglas Flint
Sir Douglas Jardine Flint, CBE (born 8 July 1955) is a Scottish banking businessman and former Group Chairman of HSBC Holdings.
- Aden Flint
Aden Flint (born 11 July 1989) is an English professional footballer who plays as a defender for Championship club Cardiff City.
- Flint Dille
Flint Dille (born November 3, 1955) is an American screenwriter, game designer and novelist.
- Shamini Flint
Shamini Flint (born 26 October 1969 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) is an author based in Singapore.
- Jimmy Flint
Jimmy 'The Wapping Assassin' Flint (born 6 November 1952) is an English actor, playwright and retired boxer.
- Judson Flint
Judson Rochelle Flint (born January 26, 1957) is a former American football defensive back who played four seasons in the National Football League with the Cleveland Browns and Buffalo Bills.
- Kerry Flint
Kerry Flint (born 17 September 1946) is an Australian former cricketer.
- Nicolle Flint
Nicolle Jane Flint (born 15 July 1978) is an Australian politician.
- Flint Bedrock
Edson Masunda (born 27 April 1985), better known by his stage name Flint Bedrock, is a Zimbabwean singer, songwriter and music producer.
- Josh Flint
- Paulette Flint
Do you know any famous people named Flint, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 7
Baby Name Flint Numerology: Name Flint has a number value of 7 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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