What does the name Flavia mean? What is the meaning of the name Flavia
Meaning of Flavia: Name Flavia in the Old French, Latin origin, means Literally means 'Blond'; Comes from the Latin word 'flavus' meaning 'golden and blonde'. Name Flavia is of Old French, Latin origin and is a Girl name. People with name Flavia are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Flavia: Literally means 'Blond'; Comes from the Latin word 'flavus' meaning 'golden and blonde'
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Famous people with name Flavia (Namesakes)
- Flavia Pennetta
Flavia Pennetta (Italian pronunciation: [ˈflaːvja penˈnetta]; born 25 February 1982) is a retired Italian professional tennis player and Grand Slam champion in both singles and doubles.
- Flavia Fortunato
Flavia Fortunato (born 16 March 1964) is an Italian singer, actress and television presenter.
- Flavia Tumusiime
Flavia Tumusiime is a Ugandan actress, radio and television host, voice-over artist, emcee and author of 30 Days of Flavia.
- Flavia Roberts
Flavia Roberts (born 29 July 1961) is a former Brazilian and English professional squash player.
- Flavia Tartaglini
Flavia Tartaglini (born 2 February 1985) is an Italian sailor.
- Flavia Gaviglio
Flavia Gaviglio (born 8 September 1963) is a former Italian female mountain runner, silver medal at the 1998 European Mountain Running Championships.
- Flavia Carvalho
Flávia Carvalho (born 19 June 1976) is a Brazilian female volleyball player.
- Flavia Laos
Flavia Laos Urbina (born 1 August 1997) is a Peruvian model, singer and actress.
- Flavia Byekwaso
- Flavia Mignola
Flavia Mignola (born 20 October 1985) is an Argentine former professional tennis player.
A right-handed player from Santa Fe, Mignola began competing in professional tournaments in 2001.
- Flavia Zanfra
Flavia Zanfra (born on 7 May 1958 in Trieste) is an Italian sport shooter.
- Flavia Oketcho
Flavia Oketcho, (born 16th July 1986),is a Ugandan female Basketball player, who plays for Uganda women's National basketball team.
- Bharpoor
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Flavia Numerology: Name Flavia has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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