What does the name Fiona mean? What is the meaning of the name Fiona
Meaning of Fiona: Name Fiona in the Irish, Gaelic, Scottish origin, means White or fair (latinised version of fionna). Name Fiona is of Irish, Gaelic, Scottish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fiona are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Fiona (Namesakes)
- Fiona Allen
- Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple McAfee-Maggart (born September 13, 1977) is an American singer-songwriter and pianist.
- Fiona Stanley
Fiona Juliet Stanley (born 1 August 1946) is an Australian epidemiologist noted for her public health work, her research into child and maternal health as well as birth disorders such as cerebral palsy.
- Fiona Shaw
Fiona Shaw (born Fiona Mary Wilson; 10 July 1958) is an Irish actress and theatre and opera director.
- Fiona Bruce
Fiona Elizabeth Bruce (born 25 April 1964) is a British journalist, newsreader and television presenter.
- Fiona Wade
Fiona Sarah Wade (born 20 March 1979) is a British actress, best known for playing the role of Priya Sharma in Emmerdale since 2011.
- Fiona (singer)
Fiona Eileen Flanagan (born September 13, 1961), known by the stage name Fiona, is an American rock music singer-songwriter and actress best known as the love interest in the 1987 Bob Dylan vehicle, Hearts of Fire.
- Fiona Fullerton
Fiona Elizabeth Fullerton (born 10 October 1956) is a British actress and singer, known for her role as Alice in the 1972 film Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and as Bond girl KGB spy Pola Ivanova in the 1985 James Bond film A View to a Kill.
- Fiona Richmond
Fiona Richmond (born 2 March 1945 in Hilborough, Norfolk) is a former English glamour model and actress.
- Fiona Dourif
Fiona Dourif (born October 30, 1981) is an American actress and producer.
- Fiona Dolman
Fiona Dolman (born 30 January 1970) is a Scottish actress best known for playing Miss Pamela Andrews in the ITV daytime drama series and spinoff to The Royal, The Royal Today, and for the role of Jackie Rosemary Lambert Bradley, PC Mike Bradley's solicitor wife in Heartbeat.
- Fiona Glascott
Fiona Glascott (born 22 November 1982) is an Irish actress.
- Melanie Fiona
Melanie Fiona Hallim (born July 4, 1983) is a Canadian singer and songwriter.
- Fiona Button
Fiona Button (born 9 August 1983) is an English actress.
- Fiona Gubelmann
Fiona Victoria Gubelmann (born March 30, 1980) is an American actress.
- Fiona Gélin
Fiona Gélin is a French actress.
- Fiona O'Carroll
Fiona O'Carroll (born 14 September 1980) is an Irish actress and cast-member of the popular BBC/RTÉ sitcom, Mrs.
- Firuzeh
- Firnas
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Fiona Numerology: Name Fiona has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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