What does the name Finley mean? What is the meaning of the name Finley?
Meaning of Finley: Name Finley in the Gaelic, Irish origin, means A courageous soldier who is fair. Name Finley is of Gaelic, Irish origin and is a Boy name. People with name Finley are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Finley (Namesakes)
- Chuck Finley
Charles Edward Finley (born November 26, 1962) is a retired Major League Baseball left-handed pitcher.
- Michael Finley
Michael Howard Finley (born March 6, 1973) is an American retired professional basketball player and current film producer and also Vice President of Basketball Operations for the Dallas Mavericks.
- Steve Finley
Steven Allen Finley (born March 12, 1965) is an American former Major League Baseball outfielder.
- Finley Quaye
Finley Quaye (born 25 March 1974, Edinburgh, Scotland) is a Scottish musician.
- Brian Finley
Brian Finley (born July 13, 1981) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey goaltender.
- Cameron Finley
Joseph Cameron Finley (born August 30, 1987) is an American former child actor and molecular biologist.
- Joe Finley
Joseph Scott Finley (born June 29, 1987) is an American ice hockey defenseman.
- Jeff Finley
John Jeffrey Finley (born April 14, 1967) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player.
- Gerald Finley
Gerald Hunter Finley, (born January 30, 1960) is a Canadian baritone opera singer.
- Jermichael Finley
Jermichael Decorean Finley (born March 26, 1987) is a former American football tight end.
- Greg Finley
Gregory Finley (born December 22, 1984) is an American actor, best known for his role as Jack Pappas in the teenage drama series The Secret Life of the American Teenager as well as Drake in the series Star Crossed, iZombie and Girder in The Flash.
- Morris Finley
Morris "Mo" Finley (born August 2, 1981) is an American professional basketball player who last played for Élan Béarnais Pau-Orthez of the LNB Pro A. Standing at 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m), he plays the point guard position.
- Gary Finley
Gary Sebastian Finley (born 15 November 1960) is a former professional football central defender and non-league manager.
- Jay Finley
Jay Finley (born May 15, 1988) is a former American football running back.
- Ryan Finley (American football)
Ryan Finley (born December 26, 1994) is an American football quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals of the National Football League (NFL).
- Sam Finley
Samuel Joseph Finley (born 4 August 1992) is an English professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for League One club Accrington Stanley.
- Alan Finley
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Nakshatra (Birth Star) - Characteristics and Details
Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 8
Baby Name Finley Numerology: Name Finley has a number value of 8 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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