What does the name Filippa mean? What is the meaning of the name Filippa
Meaning of Filippa: Name Filippa in the Swedish, French origin, means A horse's companion; inspirational being. Name Filippa is of Swedish, French origin and is a Girl name. People with name Filippa are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Filippa: A horse's companion; inspirational being
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Famous people with name Filippa (Namesakes)
- Filippa Hamilton
Filippa Palmstierna Hamilton, also known as Filippa Hamilton-Palmstierna, (born December 3, 1985), is a Swedish-French model.
- Filippa Reinfeldt
Filippa Désirée Amanda Cay Reinfeldt (born Holmberg 14 June 1967 in Stockholm) is a Swedish politician of the Moderate Party.
- Filippa Lagerbäck
Filippa Lagerbäck (pronounced [fɪˈlɪ̂pːa ˈlɑ̂ːɡɛrˌbɛk]; born 21 September 1973) is a Swedish television presenter and fashion model working and residing in Italy.
- Filippa Idéhn
Filippa Idéhn (born 15 August 1990) is a Swedish handballer for Silkeborg-Voel KFUM and the Swedish national team.
- Filippa Curmark
Filippa Curmark (born 2 August 1995) is a Swedish footballer midfielder who plays for Kopparbergs/Göteborg FC.
- Bella & Filippa
Bella & Filippa is a Swedish duo from Upplands Väsby.
- Filippa Angeldal
Ingrid Filippa Angeldal (also spelled Angeldahl; born 14 July 1997) is a Swedish football midfielder who plays for Linköpings FC and the Sweden national team.
- Filippa Savva
Filippa Savva (born 28 May 1999) is a Cypriot footballer who plays as a midfielder for Lewes of the FA Women's Championship and has appeared for the Cyprus women's national team.
- Filippa Wallen
Filippa Wallen (born 21 Jan 2000) is a Swedish football defender currently playing for West Ham United in England's top-division league, FA Women's Super League (FA WSL).
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 6
Baby Name Filippa Numerology: Name Filippa has a number value of 6 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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