What does the name Fidelis mean? What is the meaning of the name Fidelis
Meaning of Fidelis: Name Fidelis in the Spanish, Latin origin, means To be honest and faithfu;. Name Fidelis is of Spanish, Latin origin and is a Boy name. People with name Fidelis are usually Christianity by religion.
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Explore names with meaning similar to baby name Fidelis: To be honest and faithfu;
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Famous people with name Fidelis (Namesakes)
- Fidelis Júnior Santana da Silva
Juninho realname Fidelis Júnior Santana da Silva (born 14 May 1981 in Rio de Janeiro) is a Brazilian footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
He also played for Friburguense and Swiss club FC Winterthur.
- Pius Fidelis Pinto
Pius Fidelis Pinto (born 24 April 1960) is an Indian priest and research scholar of Christianity in Canara, India.
- Fidelis Makka
- Fidelis Oyakhilome
Fidelis Oyakhilome (born 13 April 1939) was military governor of Rivers State from January 1984 until August 1986 during the administrations of Generals Muhammadu Buhari and Ibrahim Babangida.
- Dimaku Fidelis
Dimaku Fidelis Tochukwu (born 22 April 1989, in Lagos) is a Nigerian footballer who plays for Hapoel Acre F.C. He plays as a Defender.
- Fidelis Saviour
Terungwa "Saviour" Fidelis (born April 18, 1988) is a Nigerian football player.
- Fidelis Irhene
Fidelis Christopher Irhene (born 20 January 1996) is a Nigerian football player who is currently a Free agent.
- Fidelis Fernando
Right Reverend Dr.
- Fidelis Onye Som
Fidelis Onye Som (born 5 March 1945) is a Nigerian boxer.
- Andressa Fidelis
Andressa Moreira Fidelis (born 20 January 1994) is a Brazilian female sprinter.
- Fidelis Obikwu
Fidelis C. Obikwu (born 1960), is a male former athlete who competed for England.
- Gary Fidelis
Gary Fidelis (born 17 February 1964) is a Malaysian field hockey player.
Do you know any famous people named Fidelis, let us know and we would update the information.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 1
Baby Name Fidelis Numerology: Name Fidelis has a number value of 1 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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