What does the name Fernanda mean? What is the meaning of the name Fernanda
Meaning of Fernanda: Name Fernanda in the German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish origin, means An adventurous girl traveler. Name Fernanda is of German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish origin and is a Girl name. People with name Fernanda are usually Christianity by religion.
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Famous people with name Fernanda (Namesakes)
- Fernanda Montenegro
Arlette Pinheiro Esteves Torres ONM (born October 16, 1929), better known by her stage name Fernanda Montenegro, is a Brazilian stage, television and film actress.
- María Fernanda Neil
María Fernanda Neil (born 19 October 1982) is an Argentine actress, singer and fashion model, perhaps the best known for her role of Fernanda Peralta Ramos in series Rebelde Way.
- Fernanda Lessa
Fernanda Lessa (born April 15, 1977 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) is a Brazilian top model.
- Fernanda Castillo
Fernanda Castillo (born María Fernanda Castillo García; 24 March 1982) is a Mexican actress.
- Fernanda Lima
Fernanda Cama Pereira Lima (Portuguese pronunciation: [feɾˈnɐ̃dɐ ˈkɐ̃mɐ peˈɾejɾɐ ˈɫĩmɐ], born June 25, 1977) is a Brazilian actress, model and television host.
- Fernanda Brandão
Fernanda Brandão Gonçalves da Silva (born 3 May 1983 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil) is a Brazilian singer, dancer and recording artist, based in Munich, Germany.
- María Fernanda Espinosa
María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés (born September 7, 1964) is an Ecuadorian politician and diplomat.
- Fernanda Machado
Fernanda Arrias Machado (born 10 October 1980) is a Brazilian actress.
- Fernanda Urrejola
Fernanda Loreto Urrejola Arroyo (born September 24, 1981 in Santiago, Chile) is a Chilean television, theatre and film actress.
- María Fernanda Yepes
María Fernanda Yépes Alzate (born December 23, 1980 in Medellín, Colombia) is a Colombian actress and model.
- Fernanda Romero
Fernanda Romero (born as María Fernanda Romero Martínez on October 4, 1983) is a Mexican actress, model and singer.
- María Fernanda García
María Fernanda García is a Mexican actress best known as "Licha" in Una familia de diez.
- Fernanda Vasconcellos
- Fernanda Paes Leme
Fernanda Miranda Paes Leme de Abreu (born June 4, 1983) is a Brazilian actress.
- Fernanda Souza
Fernanda Rodrigues de Souza (born June 18, 1984) is a Brazilian actress.
- Fernanda Arozqueta
María Fernanda Arozqueta Chahin (born 16 January 1989 in Mexico City, Mexico), known professionally as Fernanda Arozqueta is a Mexican singer and actress and former member of the Mexican pop group, "La Nueva Banda Timbiriche".
- Fernanda Brum
- Fernanda Andrade
Fernanda Andrade (born March 8, 1984) is a Brazilian-American actress and model.
- Fernanda Urdapilleta
Fernanda Urdapilleta (born February 17, 1998) is a Mexican actress, model and singer.
- María Fernanda Aristizábal
María Fernanda Aristizábal Urrea (born 19 June 1997) is a Colombian beauty pageant titleholder and model who was crowned Miss Colombia 2019.
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Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology) - 9
Baby Name Fernanda Numerology: Name Fernanda has a number value of 9 as per Pythagorean Numerology (Western Numerology), its advised that you also calculate 'number value' of name by entering full name in our Name Numerology Calculator.
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